Archiving messages to free up space

Archiving frees up space and improves the performance of your mail. You can still access messages after archiving them.

About this task

Table 1. Archiving options
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Archiving for the first time

Before you can archive messages, you must create an archive. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your mail, select Actions > Archive > Settings > Criteria, and either edit existing criteria or create new criteria. This criteria will tell Notes which documents to archive and what to do with the documents.
  2. After editing or creating, select the desired criteria from the list and click Enable.
  3. If you have access, click the Schedule tab to schedule when to run archiving. You must leave your computer on at the time you schedule.
  4. To archive now, select Actions > Archive > Archive now.
Schedule archiving to run automatically
  1. Open your mail, and select Actions > Archive > Settings > Schedule, and schedule when to run archiving. You must leave your computer on at the time you schedule.
Run archiving now

Select Actions > Archive > Archive now.

Notes will archive messages that meet the criteria you set when you created an archive.

Archive selected messages now

When creating or editing archiving criteria, choose Selected by user for the Selection Criteria. Make sure to enable this criteria.

At any time after this, select the messages you would like to archive, and then select Actions > Archive > Archive selected documents.

When you archive, leave a summary in your mail

When creating or editing archiving criteria, select Reduce the size of documents in this application and make a selection from the corresponding drop-down list.

Delete messages automatically

When creating or editing archiving criteria, select Just clean up this application without archiving.


To open an archive, click the plus sign (+) next to Archive in the mail navigation pane, and then select the name of the archive.

To find a message that has been archived, open the archive and search.