There are a variety of limitations for Nomad. Some limitations are short-term, as the function is possible but has not been implemented yet. Some limitations are long-term and generally involve functions that cannot be implemented in the environment in which Nomad is running.
All (iOS, Android, web browsers)
- The following Javaâ„¢-based applications are not supported:
- JavaAgents
- XPages
- LotusScript 2 Java Bridge (LS2J)
- Web services design elements are not supported.
- Dynamic client extensions via native code are not
supported. This includes but is not limited to the
- The LotusScript LSXLC and LSXODBC extensions.
- Extensions that require a Dynamic Link Library (DLL). For example, the DXJ name picker implemented for Windows.
- USELSX is not supported.
- Some LotusScript and Formula commands associated are not supported. In particular, commands associated with COM (Component Object Model) such as Object Linking & Embedding (OLE) are not supported. For more information, see the following topics in the Designer documentation:
- Notes roaming user capabilities are not supported.
- "Forward as attachments" is not currently supported as a mail file action.
- Archiving is not supported.
- Notes Standard Client features and extensions are not included. This code is based on the Notes Basic Client, so Standard features and extensions are not available. This includes but is not limited to Recent Contacts, Mail Preview on the side, SwiftFile.
- The following limitations are applicable for all types
of hyperlinks: http, ftp and file:
- Hyperlinks typed in a mail body will convert to hyperlinks only if the domain name has at least 5 characters.
- Hyperlink text containing slashes '/' after the domain name in a mail body will converted to a hyperlink only if the domain name has at least 4 characters.
- There is no minimum length restrictions for domain names if hyperlinks are created from the Create menu.
- All Domino policies are supported. Setup policy settings are applied during first installation and setup of HCL Nomad, while Dynamic Client Configuration runs second launch onwards. Changes made to policy settings would be applied on the next launch and not immediately. In addition, not all policy settings have been fully tested.
- LotusScript class NotesRichTextItem methods Converttohtml and GetHTMLreferences are not supported and generate errors if used; other NotesRichTextItem methods are supported.
- Notification popups (new mail, alarms, etc.) are not supported.
- Sending mail directly through an SMTP server is not supported when HCL Nomad is configured to use WebSocket Secure (WSS) connections to the Domino servers. However, HCL Nomad for iOS and Android using direct connections to the Domino servers may be able to also make direction connections to an SMTP server at which point sending mail directly through an SMTP server should be possible. For more information, see System Architecture in the Nomad Administrator documentation.
- HCL Nomad does not work with On Demand VPN configurations. If a VPN connection is required in order to connect to your Domino server, then the VPN connection must be present before using HCL Nomad to connect to your Domino server.
- Initial setup of the Nomad client using a passthru
server connection document is not currently
supported. Once the client's initial setup is
complete, a passthru server connection document can
be created and Nomad will use the passthru server as
expected.Note: ID file synchronization and ID File download are not supported through a passthru server.
- Spell checking support is limited to device spell checking service support.
- Information boxes (application properties, document properties, workspace properties, etc.) are not supported.
- Sending mail offline from a local replica of a mail application is not a currently supported action.
- Nomad federated login is not supported.
- The Notes Workspace is not supported.
- Scheduled Replication is not supported.
- The Create menu is not available.
- Custom actions that are defined for the drop-down action menu are not available.
- Loading remote images of incoming mail with MIME body content is not supported.
- Text in Notes text fields cannot be selected.
- The swipe left and right properties for view actions are not yet supported.
- LotusScript Include directives are case-sensitive and should use all lowercase letters, such as "lsconst.lss".
- Moving columns by dragging the column header is not supported.
- Changing a column's size by dragging the column header's edges is not supported.
- Using keyboard shortcuts to copy from / paste to some fields, including search.
- C Api "OSLoadProgram" is not supported on iOS.
- The "View attachment" command uses iOS Quick Look to preview the attached file. Quick Look renders a preview which may lack the file's full fidelity. It is recommended to open the attachment in another application that fully supports the file type from the Quick Look view.
- Sharing attachments with other entities such as other iOS applications is not supported.
- HCL Nomad does not work with On Demand VPN configurations. If a VPN connection is required in order to connect to your Domino server, then the VPN connection must be present before using HCL Nomad to connect to your Domino server.
- Replication stops when HCL Nomad moves to the background. Keep HCL Nomad in the foreground while replicating. To view replication status, select the menu button and then select Replication.
- Information boxes (application properties, document properties, workspace properties, etc.) are not supported.
- iOS Display & Text Size settings do not affect text rendered in Domino applications.
- The Notes Workspace is not supported.
- Custom actions that are defined for the drop-down action menu are not available.
- Scheduled Replication is not supported.
- The Create menu is not available.
- Scroll bars in Rich Text areas are not visible.
- The swipe left and right properties for view actions are not yet supported.
- Initial setup of the Nomad client using a passthru
server connection document is not currently
supported. Once the client's initial setup is
complete, a passthru server connection document can
be created and Nomad will use the passthru server as
expected.Note: ID file synchronization and ID File download are not supported through a passthru server.
- Voice dictation is not supported.
- Moving columns by dragging the column header is not supported.
- Changing a column's size by dragging the column header's edges is not supported.
Web browsers
- No Safari browser support. HCL Nomad is a multi-threaded application. In browsers, multiple application threads are supported via a SharedArrayBuffer. Safari does not currently support SharedArrayBuffer, therefore HCL Nomad is not supported on Safari. Previously, Safari supported SharedArrayBuffer, but this support was disabled in January 2018 due to Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities and has never been re-enabled.
- No Mobile browser support. The mobile versions of the browsers are not supported (even those that are mobile but use the desktop User-Agent). Only the desktop versions are supported.
- LotusScript classes NotesHTTPRequest (Patch, SetHeaderField, ResetHeaders and GetResponseHeaders) are not supported.
- Resources on remote servers (for example, HTTP requests from LotusScript, remote images in MIME emails, etc.) will not load if the server serving that resource is not Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) aware and does not return the expected Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response. This is a restriction enforced by the browser. If the remote server is a Domino HTTP server, see Configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in the Domino documentation.
- By default, Change Password for the Notes ID is not
supported because Nomad's ID files are protected
with Nomad Shared Login (NSLv3) and do not have a
password to change. Therefore, any server-based
password policies regarding password change
requirements and password checking are not
applicable. For pre-12.0.2 Domino servers,
administrators have 3 choices:
- Disable the server-based password checking feature for Nomad users and consider use of server-based public key checking as an alternative. For more information, see Using Nomad Shared Login to suppress password prompts. If Nomad Shared Login is disabled, the password can be managed under the profile menu.
- Continue to use password checking but enable a policy that allows NSLv3 to be used. NSLv3 does not have to be used by all clients, but NSLv3 must be allowed so that the Nomad users can use it.
- Upgrade all Domino servers to at least 12.0.2.
- Copy/paste with the OS clipboard with Firefox - Only plain text can be copied to the OS clipboard and nothing from the OS clipboard can be pasted into Nomad. This is a Firefox-specific restriction because JavaScript code does not allow access to the OS clipboard from the web page.
- Unless you are using panagenda
MarvletClient Nomad Roaming, Recent
Applications and Workspace not remembered on data
reset or across browsers.
If you have to start over by clearing the browser cache, you will lose any of your Recent Applications or Workspace changes. Similarly, each browser is independent from each other, so any changes in Recent Application or Workspace in one browser will not be reflected in other browsers. One workaround for this is to create a draft mail with doc links to the databases or documents that you care about most to rebuild the Recent Applications and Workspace links as necessary.
- Keyboard accelerators/shortcuts - in certain cases, some are handled by the browser instead of Nomad.
- If the shortcut key triggers an action in the browser instead of HCL Nomad, try the alternative meta key instead (Control key on Mac, Windows key on Windows).
- For New Mail Message:
- Working file types: ASCII, BMP Image, GIF Image, HTML File, JEPG Image, Microsoft RTF, Network Portable Graphics, PCX Image, TIFF 5.0 Image, Unsupported File as Text
- Non-working file types: CGM Image, Microsoft
Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word
- For CGM Image, the following error displays: The executable program library cannot be found.
- For other non-working file types, the following error displays: Error converting import file. File cannot be imported. In some cases, no error displays but the file does not import.s
- All file types are supported.
- In some cases, if the calendar contents are not supported, they will not import and no error message displays.
- The file picker dialog does not display the appropriate filters to select files. The filter combo box is empty.
only supports a subset of formats.
Some unsupported formats are still listed in the
file picker dialog. Trying an unsupported format
results in errors (for example, Error
converting import file. File cannot be
imported.). - only supports a subset of formats. Unsupported formats have been removed from the file picker dialog.
- File links (file://myfile.txt) links cannot be opened.
- Google Chrome on MacBooks running MacOS Big Sur with hardware acceleration enabled may cause Nomad to display with odd colors and graphics. While this isn't an issue with Nomad itself, disabling the setting in Chrome may work around the issue.
- When using the "Open in new window" feature:
- Certificate and ECL dialogs can sometimes appear in the previous window. All windows will be disabled until the dialog is addressed.
- If popups are blocked, and nomad is unable to create a new window, there will be 10 second delay followed by a message saying Cannot create Pop-up window.
- Right Clicking an app from the Recent-Apps page, and choosing "Open Link in new Window" will not work if the "web+notes" service handler is not installed.
- Ability to see Notes database hidden views: in Firefox on Mac OS X, the keyboard combination to show Notes database hidden views (Ctrl+Shift click) will show the browser's context menu instead of opening the menu with the modifiers applied.
- Nomad Designer:
- The following design elements cannot be
created or edited.
- Java Agents
- Web Services
- Java Libraries
- Applets
- Data Connections
- Composite Applications
- Navigators
- The following design elements cannot be
created or edited.
- Restyle is available initially only in English; therefore, the browser language must be set to English for Restyle to appear.
- Nomad Designer is available initially only in English; therefore, the browser language must be set to English for Nomad Designer to appear.
- Nomad Designer code editors do not support displaying line numbers.
- In Nomad, scheduled replication can be enabled and disabled on the Replication tab, but the schedule cannot be edited on the Replication tab. The schedule can be set in other ways and pushed to the Nomad client; in Nomad, the schedule can be edited via the Location document in the local address book (names.nsf).
- NotesDominoQuery is not supported.
- Document Printing Support.
- View printing is not supported.
- There is a limitation on the maximum number of pages and it is based on the browser and platform combination.
- Pagination is handled by the browser. Images or text may be split across pages. Users may need to use the browser print settings (custom margins or scaling) to achieve the desired print output.
- Print must be accessed using Nomad's menu or shortcut. The browser's Print functionality is not supported.
- Custom header and footer is not supported.
- Input Method Editor (IME) feedback for composition in progress is solely indicated by the operating system's candidate window and not any underlined text.
- Spell checking is not supported.
- The "Open in New Window" context menu item is grayed out on Workspace tabs and does nothing in the body of an already open document (close the document and go back to the view to open the document in a new window).
- Grid Style property for views: Dashed, Dots, or Dashes and Dots grid styles are not currently supported and grids will be rendered with Solid style.
- Limited font renderings when using Firefox. Only the fonts shipped with Nomad (one font each for Monospace, Sans and Sans-Serif typefaces) are used for rendering purposes.
- Attachments are download only - There are no attachment viewers and attachments cannot be launched. You can save an attachment to the local file system and then use any OS application to view them.
- Copy/paste with the OS clipboard with Chrome and
- If both text and an image are copied in Nomad, the OS clipboard separates the text from the image and paste appears to prefer the image over the text resulting in only the image being pasted.
- If a document has multiple images, copying each image puts the same image on the OS clipboard, causing the paste to not always match what was copied. For example, if a document has three images, pasting may always be the second image no matter which of the three images was copied by the user.
- When pasting from outside of Nomad, only single images or text can be pasted. Rich text and multiple images are not supported.