Creating To Do items
You can create to do items to keep track of tasks that you need to accomplish, and then view them in a list or in a chart. You can also display your to do items in your calendar. Use these steps to create personal or group to do items.
Before you begin
After a personal to do item has been saved, you cannot change it.
About this task
- Personal - a to do task for yourself.
- Group - a to do task you assign to another person, or a group of people. When you assign a group to do to others, they have the option of accepting or declining the assignment.
- Click
- Click New.
- By default the first tab says Personal To Do.
To select Group To Do, click the text. Then
enter one or more names into the Assigned to, Optional,
or FYI fields. To choose names from a directory,
click the button.
- Tip - If you create a Personal To Do and then decide you want to change it to a Group To Do, click Assign.
- Tip - Click Cancel Assignment to remove the names assigned and change a Group To Do to a Personal To Do.
- (Optional) Enter a name or brief description of the item in the Subject field. This text will display in the assignee's to do list and calendar.
- (Optional) Complete any of these fields on this form:
- Start Date and Due Date - specify dates; milestone dates have only a start date.
- Subject - displays in your to do list and on your calendar.
- Status - new items are current by default, other status options are overdue, rejected, and future.
- Priority - displays when you view your to do tasks in a list or chart.
- Category - useful when organizing to do items with third-party applications, you can select from the list or enter your own.
- Confidential - select to prevent people who have access to your calendar from reading the entry. They can see the dates in your calendar, but not the entry.
- Milestone - select to mark a single day in a schedule. When you view to do charts, the milestones are blocked in red.
- Alarm - select this if you want to be notified
- (Optional) Click the Repeat tab,
and then select Set Repeat. Specify any repeat
options, keeping the following information in mind:
- You can change the status of an instance or the priority, but you cannot change the repeat frequency.
- You cannot update an attachment in a repeating to do entry. If you also use HCL Notes®, and you update an attachment to a repeating to do entry in Notes®, you may receive warnings when you try to access these entries in the web client.
- You cannot make an existing to do item a repeating item. You must set the repeat at the time you create it.
- (Optional) Add a description in the space provided.
- (Optional) Click attachments to add an attachment.
- If you are creating a Group To Do, click Options to specify Delivery Options.
- If you are creating a Group To Do, click Save & Send to save the to do item and send notification to the people in your Assign to, Optional, and FYI fields. (You can also click Save as Draft and finish the to do item at a later time.)
- If you are creating a Personal To Do, click Save & Close or click Save to save the to do item, but keep it open for further changes.