Enabling REST services

Enable REST services on the Domino server that runs Traveler.

Before you begin

Note: If you use mail quotas, Notes® assumes a certain quota enforcement method, that you can verify by opening the server document in the Domino® Administrator client, then choosing the Transactional Logging tab and selecting Check space used in file when adding a note for the Quota enforcement field:Quota enforcement field in the server document

About this task

This procedure enables the Domino® Mail Service and Domino® Freebusy Service. For information on these services, see the Domino Mail Service Developer Guide and the Domino Freebusy Service Developer Guide on the openntf.org website. HCL does not support these services except as used by HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook.


  1. Use the Domino® Administrator client to open the server.
  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select Web > Internet Sites.
  3. If there is an Internet Site document for your server, open it.
    1. Click the Edit Web Site action.
    2. Select the Configuration tab.
    3. In the Domino Access Services section of the form, select the Enabled services drop-down menu.
    4. In the Select Keywords dialog, add Mail and Freebusy using the New keyword field, and make sure they are selected.Select Keywords dialogDomino Access Services with Mail and Freebusy services selected
    5. Internet Site documents for REST URLs use forms authentication. To ensure proper access for users, add a session authentication override rule for the URL */api/*.
  4. If you do not have an Internet Site document for your server, then in the Domino® Directory navigator, select the Configuration tab, then select Cluster > All Server Documents.
    1. Open the server document for your server.
    2. Click the Edit Server action.
    3. Select the Internet Protocols tab, then select Domino Web Engine.
    4. In the Domino Access Services section of the form, select the Enabled services drop-down menu.
    5. In the Select Keywords dialog, add Mail and Freebusy using the New keyword field, and make sure they are selected.
  5. Save your changes, and restart the server's HTTP task.

What to do next

To verify that the REST services have been enabled, type the following URL into a browser: http://[yourhostserver]/api. This should return a list of services in JSON format; verify that the Mail and Freebusy services are in the list, and that the enabled property for each is true.JSON serviceslist with Mail and Freebusy services highlighted