The TSSetTraceFile function

The TSSetTraceFile function specifies a file to which trace information is appended.


TSSetTraceFile(traceFileName  lvarchar)
returns integer;
The full path and name of the file to which trace information is appended.


The file you specify using TSSetTraceFile overrides any current trace file. The file is located on the server computer. The default trace file is /tmp/session_number.trc.

TSSetTraceFile calls the mi_set_trace_file() DataBlade® API function. For more information about mi_set_trace_file(), see the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide.


Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.


The following example sets the file /tmp/test1.trc to receive trace information:
execute function TSSetTraceFile('/tmp/test1.trc');