Performing XML Publishing
The Informix® XML User's Guide includes information about using built-in functions for XML publishing with Informix®.
You should be familiar with the Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax, which contains all the syntax descriptions for SQL and stored procedure language (SPL). The Informix® Guide to SQL: Tutorial shows how to use basic and advanced SQL and SPL routines to access and manipulate the data in your databases. The Informix® Database Design and Implementation Guide shows how to use SQL to implement and manage your databases.
See the documentation notes files for a list of the publications in the documentation set of your Informix® database server.
This publication is written for the following users:
- Database users
- Database administrators
- Database server administrators
- Database-application programmers
This publication assumes that you have the following background:
- A working knowledge of your computer, your operating system, and the utilities that your operating system provides
- Some experience working with relational databases or exposure to database concepts
- Some experience with computer programming and XML
- Some experience with database server administration, operating-system administration, or network administration