Loading data from a file into a virtual table

Data that you insert into a virtual table is written to the underlying base table. Therefore, you can use the virtual table to load your data that is in a relational format in a file into a TimeSeries column. Often it is easier to format your raw data to load a virtual table than to load a TimeSeries column directly, especially if you must perform incremental loading.

About this task

You can load data from a virtual table that was created by the TSCreateVirtualTab procedure. You cannot load data from a virtual table was created by the TSCreateExpressionVirtualTab procedure.


To load relational data through a virtual table:
  1. Create a virtual table that is based on a time series table.
  2. Put your input data in a single file.
  3. Format the data according to the standard HCL Informix® load file format.
  4. Use an Informix® load utilities: dbload or the load command in DB-Access, to load the file into the virtual table.

What to do next

See the Informix® Administrator's Guide for information about Informix® load file formats and load utilities.