Selecting correlated aggregates in subqueries
In a subquery, an aggregate expression with a column operand that was declared in a parent query block is called a correlated aggregate. The column operand is called a correlated column reference.
SELECT statements and other DML statements can include subqueries with aggregate expressions whose operands reference columns that were declared in a parent query block. When a subquery contains an aggregate with a correlated column reference, the database server evaluates that aggregate in the parent query block where the correlated column reference was declared.
If an aggregate expression in a subquery contains correlated references to columns from more than one parent query block, the correlated aggregate is evaluated in the parent that is nearest to the subquery in the lexical order of query blocks.
Examples of aggregates with correlated column references
in the parent query block,
which declared the table alias n
that appears
in the correlated column reference of the subquery: CREATE TABLE tab(i INT);
. . .
FROM tab2 WHERE j=15) AS o
FROM tab m, tab2 n GROUP BY 1;
FROM tab2 WHERE j=15)) AS o
FROM tab m, tab2 n GROUP BY 1;
When the database server
identifies the aggregate in the subquery above as a nested aggregate,
it evaluates the inner SUM(n.j)
in the subquery, if the outer aggregate is in the same query block
where the table alias in the n.j
column reference
was declared. SELECT A.tabid,
(SELECT SUM(B.collength * A.rowsize)
FROM syscolumns B WHERE B.tabid = A.tabid)
FROM systables A WHERE A.tabid = 1;
SUM(B.collength * A.rowsize)
evaluated in the subquery.In all other cases, the database server treats an aggregate operating on a column of a table in a parent query block as a correlated aggregate.