Additional SQL data types for Informix®

Additional HCL Informix® SQL data types for Informix® have corresponding Informix® ODBC Driver data types.

The following table lists the additional HCL Informix® SQL data types for Informix® and their corresponding Informix® ODBC Driver data types. To use the Informix® ODBC driver SQL data types for Informix®, include infxcli.h.
Informix® SQL data type Informix® ODBC driver SQL data type (fSqlType) Description
Collection (LIST, MULTISET, SET) Any Informix® ODBC driver SQL data type Composite value that consists of one or more elements, where each element has the same data type.
DISTINCT Any Informix® ODBC driver SQL data type UDT that is stored the same way as its source data type but has different casts and functions
OPAQUE (fixed) SQL_INFX_UDT_FIXED Fixed-length UDT with an internal structure that has the same size for all possible values
OPAQUE (varying) SQL_INFX_UDT_VARYING Variable-length UDT with an internal structure that can have a different size for each different value
Row (Named row, unnamed row) Any Informix® ODBC Driver SQL data type Composite value that consists of one or more elements, where each element can have a different data type.
Smart large object (BLOB or CLOB) SQL_IFMX_UDT_BLOB


Large object that is stored in an sbspace on disk and is recoverable.