Informix® OLE DB Provider Guide

The Informix® OLE DB Provider Programmer's Guide describes the software requirements for using Informix® OLE DB Provider, show how to install and configure the provider for your use, and explain how to use Informix® OLE DB Provider to enable client applications, such as ActiveX Data Object (ADO) applications and web pages, to access data on the Informix® server.

This information is intended for
  • Database administrators who install and configure HCL Informix® database servers, databases, and connectivity products
  • Developers who write applications with Informix® OLE DB Provider
These topics are written with the assumption that you have the following background:
  • A working knowledge of your computer, your operating system, and the utilities that your operating system provides
  • Some experience with Microsoft OLE DB
  • Some experience working with relational databases or exposure to database concepts
To use the Informix® OLE DB Provider, you must run on one of these supported operating systems:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or later
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, or Microsoft Windows Vista

For information about software compatibility, see the Informix® Client SDK release notes.

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