The IfxToJavaChar() method

The IfxToJavaChar() method converts the HCL Informix® CHAR (n) and CHARACTER (n) data types to the Java string data type. The conversion is achieved by creating a string from given bytes.

Method signature

public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], short prec,boolean encoption)
public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], boolean encoption) 
public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], int offset, int length,
       short prec, boolean encoption)
public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], int offset, int length,
       boolean encoption) 
public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], short prec, String dbEnc,
       boolean encoption) 
public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], String dbEnc, boolean encoption)
       throws IOException
public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], int offset, int length,
       short prec,
       String dbEnc, boolean encoption) 
public String IfxToJavaChar (byte b [], int offset, int length,
       String dbEnc, boolean encoption)

Input parameters

The bytes encoding data
The JDK encoding.
The offset into byte array.
The precision as received from Informix®.
The data length.