Examples in the basic directory

The following table lists the files in the basic directory.

Demo program name Description
autofree.java Shows how to use the IFX_AUTOFREE environment variable
BatchUpdate.java Shows how to send batch updates to the server
ByteType.java Shows how to insert into and select from a table that contains a column of data type BYTE
CallOut1.java Executes a C function that has an OUT parameter using CallableStatement methods
CallOut2.java Executes an SPL function that has an OUT parameter using CallableStatement methods
CallOut3.java Executes a C function that has a Boolean OUT parameter using the IfmxCallableStatement.IfxRegisterOut Parameter() method
CallOut4.java Executes a C function that has a CLOB type OUT parameter and uses the IfmxCallableStatement.hasOutParameter() method
CreateDB.java Creates a database called testDB
DBCENTURYSelect.java Uses the getString() method to retrieve a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value
DBCENTURYSelect2.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using string-to-binary conversion

Uses the getDate() method to build a java.sql.Date object upon which the date string representation is based

DBCENTURYSelect3.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using string-to-binary conversion

Uses the getTimestamp() method to build a java.sql.Timestamp object upon which the date string representation is based

DBCENTURYSelect4.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using binary-to-string conversion

Uses the getDate() method to build a java.sql.Date object upon which the date string representation is based

DBCENTURYSelect5.java Retrieves a date string representation in which the four-digit year expansion is based on the DBCENTURY property value using binary-to-string conversion

Uses the getTimestamp() method to build a java.sql.Timestamp object upon which the date string representation is based

DBConnection.java Creates connections to both a database and a database server
DBDATESelect.java Shows how to retrieve a date object and a date string representation from the database based on the DBDATE property value from the URL string
DBMetaData.java Shows how to retrieve information about a database with the DatabaseMetaData interface
DropDB.java Drops a database called testDB
ErrorHandling.java Shows how to retrieve RSAM error messages
GLDATESelect.java Shows how to retrieve a date object and a date string representation from the database based on the GL_DATE property value from the URL string
Intervaldemo.java Shows how to insert and select HCL Informix® interval data
LOCALESelect.java Shows how to retrieve a date object and a date string representation from the database based on the CLIENT_LOCALE property value from the URL string
locmsg.java Shows how to use Informix® extension methods that support localized error messages
MultiRowCall.java Shows how to return multiple rows in a stored procedure call
OptimizedSelect.java Shows how to use the FET_BUF_SIZE environment variable to adjust the Informix® JDBC Driver tuple buffer size
optofc.java Shows how to use the OPTOFC environment variable
PropertyConnection.java Shows how to specify connection environment variables via a property list
RSMetaData.java Shows how to retrieve information about a result set with the ResultSetMetaData interface
ScrollCursor.java Shows how to retrieve a result set with a scroll cursor
Serial.java Shows how to insert and select Informix® SERIal and SERIal8 data
SimpleCall.java Shows how to call a stored procedure
SimpleConnection.java Shows how to connect to a database or database server
SimpleSelect.java Shows how to send a simple SELECT query to the database server
TextConv.java Shows how to convert a file from the client code set to Unicode and then from Unicode to the database code set
TextType.java Shows how to insert into and select from a table that contains a column of data type TEXT
UpdateCursor1.java Shows how to create an updatable scroll cursor using a ROWID column in the query
UpdateCursor2.java Shows how to create an updatable scroll cursor using a SERIAL column in the query
UpdateCursor3.java Shows how to create an updatable scroll cursor using a primary key column in the query