The proxy with an LDAP server

Note: Starting Informix JDBC Driver version 4.50.JC10, the use of LDAP to retrieve Informix server connectivity information from a stored SQLHost files inside of an LDAP server has been removed.

The proxy allows your JDBC applets and applications to alternatively get their database connection information from an LDAP server. If you plan to use this feature, you need to install an LDAP server. For general information about using an LDAP server with Informix® JDBC Driver, see the topics beginning with Connection property syntax.

The following figure illustrates how the proxy works with an LDAP server. The figure also shows lookup from an sqlhosts file; for more information, see Specify sqlhosts file lookup.
Figure 1. Lookup by the proxy
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

The proxy LDAP feature requires the JNDI class libraries and LDAP service provider files (jndi.jar, ldap.jar, and providerutil.jar). These JAR files can be downloaded from

After downloading and installing the files, add their full path names to the CLASSPATH setting on your web server. The files are in the lib directory under the installation directory.