Uninstall in silent mode

When you uninstall the Informix® JDBC Driver in the silent mode, you do not receive any messages about the uninstallation.

How you installed the Informix® JDBC Driver determines the program that you use to uninstall the driver.

Run one of the following commands to start the uninstall program in the silent mode. The destination_dir is the directory in which you installed the Informix® JDBC Driver.

If you installed the Informix® JDBC Driver by using the Informix® installation program, specify the following command to start the uninstall program in the silent mode:
destination_dir/uninstall/uninstall_jdbc/uninstalljdbc -i silent

If you installed the Informix® JDBC Driver separately from installing Informix®, specify the following command to run the JAR file in the silent mode:

java -jar destination_dir/uninstall/uninstall_jdbc/uninstaller.jar -i silent