Required for code-set conversion

HCL Informix® products use the Code-Set Name-Mapping file to translate between code-set names and the more compact code-set numbers. You can use the registry file to find the hexadecimal values that correspond to code-set names or code-set numbers.

Most code-set conversion requires two code-set-conversion files. One file supports conversion of characters in code set A to their counterparts in code set B. Another supports the conversion in the return direction (from B to A). Such conversions are called two-way code-set conversions. For example, the code-set conversion between the CCSID 437 code set (hexadecimal 01b5 code number) and the CCSID 819 code set (or ISO8859-1 with a hexademical 0333 code number) requires the following two code-set-conversion files:
  • The file describes the mappings to use when HCL Informix® products convert characters in the CCSID 437 code set to those in the ISO8859-1 code set.
  • The file describes the mappings to use when HCL Informix® products convert characters in the ISO8859-1 code set to those in the CCSID 437 code set.

To be able to convert between these two code sets, the HCL Informix® product must be able to locate both these code-set-conversion object files. Performing the conversion on only one direction would result in mismatched characters. For more information about mismatched characters, see Perform code-set conversion.

The following table shows some of the code-set conversions that HCL Informix® products can support, along with their associated code-set-conversion source file names.

Source code set Target code set Code-set-conversion source file
ISO8859-1 Windows Code Page 1252 033304e4.cvo
Windows Code Page 1252 ISO8859-1 04e40333.cvo
ISO8859-1 Informix® CCSID 850 03330352.cvo
Informix® CCSID 850 ISO8859-1 03520333.cvo
Windows Code Page 1252 Informix® CCSID 850 04e40352.cvo
Informix® CCSID 850 Windows Code Page 1252 035204e4.cvo