Check for connection warnings

To check for the eighth character field of the SQLWARN array, the Informix® ESQL/C client application can check the sqlca.sqlwarn.sqlwarn7 field.

If the sqlwarn7 field has a value of W, the database server has ignored the database locale that the client specified and has instead used the locale in the database as the database locale.

For more information about how to handle exceptions within an ESQL program, see the Informix® ESQL/C Programmer's Manual.
Important: Array elements in SQLWARN arrays are numbered starting with zero in Informix® ESQL/C, but starting with one in other languages. For tools that use one-based counts on arrays, the warning character that Informix® ESQL/C calls sqlca.sqlwarn.sqlwarn7 is called SQLCA.SQLAWARN[8].