Supported data types

The feature supports SQL data types, user-defined data types, and smart large objects.

The GLS feature supports the following data types:
  • SQL character data types
    • DISTINCT types whose base type is one of the data types listed previously
    • TEXT and BYTE

    For information about GLS considerations for the character data types, see Character data types.

  • SQL number and MONEY data types

    For information about GLS considerations for number and MONEY data types, see Numeric and monetary formats.

  • SQL DATE, and DATETIME data types

    For information about GLS considerations for DATE, and DATETIME data types, see Date and time formats.

  • User-defined data types
    • Opaque data types
    • Complex data types
    • Distinct data types
  • Smart large objects
    • BLOB
    • CLOB

    For GLS considerations regarding user-defined data types and smart large objects, see Handle extended data types.

  • Informix® ESQL/C character data types
    • char
    • fixchar
    • string
    • varchar
    • lvarchar

    For information about Informix® ESQL/C data types, see the Informix® ESQL/C Programmer's Manual.