The LC_TIME locale-file category

The LC_TIME locale-file category is the section within a GLS locale file that defines the locale-specific formats for strings that contain date and time data.

Such strings are called date strings (which contain only date data) or date/time strings (which contain date and time data).

Tip: In the Informix® GLS User's Guide, the LC_TIME locale-file category is sometimes referred to as the TIME locale category. This manual uses LC_TIME as the category name for date and time data.
The LC_TIME category of each locale file contains subcategories that define the different date and time formats. The following table lists the available formats and their corresponding LC_TIME subcategory.
Date/time format LC_TIME subcategory
Abbreviated weekday names abday
Full weekday names day
Abbreviated month names abmon
Full month names mon
Date representation d_fmt
Time representation t_fmt
Date/time representation d_t_fmt
a.m. and p.m. equivalents am_pm
Representation of date/time with a.m. and p.m. indicators t_fmt_ampm
Alternative digits to use in date and time strings alt_digits
Tip: The GL_DATE, GL_DATETIME, DBDATE, and DBTIME environment variables can also specify formats for locale-specific formats for date and time strings.

For definitions of any of these date or time formats and information about related environment variables, see the Informix® GLS User's Guide.