Embedded SQL statements

Embedded SQL statements can appear anywhere that Java statements can legally appear. SQL statements must appear within curly braces, as follows:
( 101, "Ludwig", "Pauli", "All Sports Supplies", 
"213 Erstwild Court", "", "Sunnyvale", "CA", 
"94086", "408-789-8075"
You can use the SELECT...INTO statement to retrieve data into Java variables (host variables). Host variables within SQL statements are designated by a preceding colon ( : ). For example, the following query places values in the variables customer_num, fname, lname, company, address1, address2, city, state, zipcode, and phone:
SELECT *  INTO :customer_num, :fname, :lname, :company,
:address1, :address2, :city, :state, :zipcode,
FROM customer
WHERE customer_num = 101 

SQL statements are case insensitive and can be written in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed-case letters. Java statements are case sensitive (and so are host variables).

You use SELECT...INTO statements for queries that return a single record; for queries that return multiple rows (a result set), you use an iterator object, described in the next section.