Access the LO-status structure

The LO-status structure, ifx_lo_stat_t, stores the status information for a smart large object in the Informix® ESQL/C program. The locator.h header file defines the LO-status structure so you must include the locator.h file in your Informix® ESQL/C programs that access this structure.
Important: The LO-status structure, ifx_lo_stat_t, is opaque to Informix® ESQL/C programs. Do not access its internal structure directly. The internal structure of ifx_lo_stat_t might change in future releases. Therefore, to create portable code, always use the Informix® ESQL/C accessor functions for this structure to obtain and store values in the LO-status structure.

The following table shows the status information along with the corresponding Informix® ESQL/C accessor functions.

Table 1. Status information in the LO-status structure
Disk-storage information Description ESQL/C accessor functions
Last access time The time, in seconds, that the smart large object was last accessed.

This value is available only if the LO_KEEP_LASTACCESS_TIME flag is set for this smart large object.

Storage characteristics The storage characteristics for the smart large object.

These characteristics are stored in an LO-specification structure (see The LO-specification structure). Use the Informix® ESQL/C accessor functions for an LO-specification structure (see Disk-storage information in the LO-specification structure and Create-time flags in the LO-specification structure) to obtain this information.

Last change in status The time, in seconds, of the last status change for the smart large object.

A change in status includes updates, changes in ownership, and changes to the number of references.

Last modification time (seconds) The time, in seconds, that the smart large object was last modified. ifx_lo_stat_mtime_sec()
Reference count A count of the number of references to the smart large object. ifx_lo_stat_refcnt()
Size The size, in bytes, of the smart large object. ifx_lo_stat_size()

The time values (such as last access time and last change time) might differ slightly from the system time. This difference is due to the algorithm that the database server uses to obtain the time from the operating system.