Fields of the InetLogin structure

The InetLogin structure is a global C structure that the login.h header file declares.

To use this structure in your Informix® ESQL/C program, you must include login.h in your source file (.ec). For more information about login.h, see ESQL/C header files for Windows environments.
Tip: Because login.h does not contain Informix® ESQL/C statements, you can include the file with the C #include or the Informix® ESQL/C include directive.
The following table defines the fields in the InetLogin structure.
Table 1. Fields of the InetLogin structure
Inetlogin field Data type Purpose
InfxServer char[19] Specifies the value for the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable (the default database server)
DbPath char[129] Specifies the value for the DBPATH environment variable
DbDate char[6] Specifies the value for the DBDATE environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbMoney char[19] Specifies the value for the DBMONEY environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbTime char[81] Specifies the value for the DBTIME environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbTemp char[81] Specifies the value for the DBTEMP environment variable
DbLang char[19] Specifies the value for the DBLANG environment variable
DbAnsiWarn char[1] Specifies the value for the DBANSIWARN environment variable
Informix®Dir char[255] Specifies the value for the INFORMIXDIR environment variable
Client_Loc char * Specifies the value for the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable
DB_Loc char * Specifies the value for the DB_LOCALE environment variable
CollChar char[3] Specifies the value for the COLLCHAR environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® NLS products

Lang char[81] Specifies the value for the LANG environment variable for the database locale

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of Informix® NLS products

Lc_Collate char[81] Specifies the value for the LC_COLLATE environment variable for the database locale

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® NLS products

Lc_CType char[81] Specifies the value of the LC_CTYPE environment variable for the database locale

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® NLS products

Lc_Monetary char[81] Specifies the value of the LC_MONETARY environment variable for the database locale

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of Informix® NLS products

Lc_Numeric char[81] Specifies the value of the LC_NUMERIC environment variable for the database locale

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® NLS products

Lc_Time char[81] Specifies the value for the LC_TIME environment variable for the database locale

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® NLS products

ConRetry char[4] Specifies the value of the environment variable INFORMIXCONRETRY
ConTime char[4] Specifies the value of the environment variable INFORMIXCONTIME
DelimIdent char[4] Specifies the value of the DELIMIDENT environment variable
Host char[19] Specifies the value for the HOST network parameter
User char[19] Specifies the value for the USER network parameter
Pass char[19] Specifies the value for the PASSWORD network parameter
AskPassAtConnect char[2] Indicates whether sqlauth() should request a password at connection time; should contain the value for yes or no. AskPassAtConnect is set if the first character is Y or y.
Service char[19] Specifies the value for the SERVICE network parameter
Protocol char[19] Specifies the value for the PROTOCOL network parameter
Options char[20] Reserved for future use
Informix®SqlHosts char[255] Specifies the value for the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable
FetBuffSize char[6] Specifies the value for the FET_BUF_SIZE environment variable
CC8BitLevel char[2] Specifies the value for the CC8BITLEVEL environment variable
EsqlMF char[2] Specifies the value for the ESQLMF environment variable
GlDate char[129] Specifies the value for the GL_DATE environment variable
GlDateTime char[129] Specifies the value for the GL_DATETIME environment variable
DbAlsBc char[2] Specifies the value for the DBALSBC environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbApiCode char[24] Specifies the value for the DBAPICODE environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbAsciiBc char[2] Specifies the value for the DBASCIIBC environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbCentury char[2] Specifies the value for the DBCENTURY environment variable
DbCodeset char[24] Specifies the value for the DBCODESET environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on 4.x versions of HCL Informix® Asian Language Support (ALS) products

DbConnect char[2] Specifies the value for the DBCONNECT environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbCsConv char[9] Specifies the value for the DBCSCONV environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of Informix® products

DbCsOverride char[2] Specifies the value for the DBCSOVERRIDE environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® Asian Language Support (ALS) products

DbCsWidth char[12] Specifies the value for the DBCSWIDTH environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbFltMsk char[4] Specifies the value for the DBFLTMASK environment variable
DbMoneyScale char[6] Specifies the value for the DBMONEYSCALE environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbSS2 char[5] Specifies the value for the DBSS2 environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

DbSS3 char[5] Specifies the value for the DBSS3 environment variable

Provides compatibility for client applications that are based on earlier versions of HCL Informix® products

OptoFC char[2] Not used
OptMSG char[2] Not used

All fields in the InetLogin structure, except DbAnsiWarn, Client_Loc, and DB_Loc, are of data type char and are null-terminated strings. The Client_Loc and DB_Loc fields are character pointers whose data space your Informix® ESQL/C program must allocate.