Alter storage characteristics

After you create a smart large object, you can change some of its storage characteristics with the mi_lo_alter() function. This function enables you to alter the logging behavior, last-access time, and extent size.

All other storage characteristics cannot be changed after the smart large object is created. For information about the syntax of the mi_lo_alter() function, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Function Reference.

You can alter these storage characteristics in either of the following ways:
  • Execute the SQL statement, ALTER TABLE.

    The PUT clause of ALTER TABLE enables you to modify any storage characteristics. However, any changes do not affect existing smart large objects; they only affect smart large objects in rows created after the ALTER TABLE statement executes. For more information, see the description of ALTER TABLE in the Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.

  • Call the mi_lo_alter() function.

    This function enables you to modify the logging characteristics, last-access time characteristics, and the extent size.