Supported data types

This section lists the server data types and the interfaces supported for them.

Tip: Objects that are BLOB and CLOB objects implemented as part of the library return the textual value of the smart large object handle through the ITValue::Printable method and set it through ITValue::FromPrintable.

Simple large objects (TEXT and BYTE types) are represented on the client as data in RAM. Use the offset operator [] in queries to limit the amount of data retrieved by the client. To update a simple large object in the server, pass the value object that encapsulates the simple large object data as a prepared statement parameter.

Table 1. Data types and supported interfaces

This table shows server base types and constructed data types. The table also shows the interfaces supported for each data type.

Data type ITEssential interface ITValue interface ITRow interface ITConversions interface ITLargeObject interface ITSet interface
blob* X X X
boolean* X X X
byte X X
char X X X
character X X X
char1 X X X
cXob* X X X
date X X
datetime X X
decimal X X X
double precision X X X
int8* X X X
integer X X X
interval day to second X X
interval year to month X X
money X X X
numeric X X X
real X X X
smallint X X X
text X X
collection* ** X X X
row* ** X X X
ITQuery::ExecToSet result set ** X X X

* Supported only by HCL Informix®

** Constructed type

Table 2. More supported interfaces

This table shows additional interfaces that are supported for each data type.

Server base type ITDateTime ITContainer ITErrorInfo ITContainCvt ITDatum
blob* X X
boolean* X
byte X
char X
character X
char1 X
cXob* X X
date X X
datetime X X
decimal X
double precision X
int8* X
integer X
interval day to second X X
interval year to month X X
money X
numeric X
real X
smallint X
text X
collection* ** X
row* ** X X
ITQuery::ExecToSet result set **

* Supported only by HCL Informix®

** Constructed type