Initializing the HCL Informix® Interface for Spectrum Protect password

To initialize the password for HCL Informix® Interface for Spectrum Protect, use the txbsapswd program. This program sets up a connection with the server instance that you specified in the dsm.opt file.

About this task

You must run the txbsapswd program as user root before using HCL Informix® Interface for TSM.

To initialize the password:


  1. Create the directory for the SSL-related files as user "informix" (PASSWORDDIR in the dsm.sys file):
    $ sudo -u informix mkdir /work/TSM/PAX12/TSMPsswdDir
  2. As user root, start the txbsapswd program located in $INFORMIXDIR/bin directory.
  3. Enter the password and press Return. To retain your current password, press Return without a value.
  4. Replace ownership and permissions in the PASSWORDDIR:
    $ sudo chown -R informix:informix  /work/TSM/PAX12/TSMPsswdDir
    $ sudo chmod -R 750 /work/TSM/PAX12/TSMPsswdDir