onconfig Portal: Configuration parameters by functional category

The information in this section lists configuration parameters as they are in the UNIX onconfig.std file.

Category list

To use this section, you first determine the appropriate category from the following list, then follow the link to the configuration parameters for that category. The categories are listed in the same order as they are in the onconfig.std file. Parameters that are not in the onconfig.std file but that you can add to your onconfig file are listed in Parameters that are not in the onconfig.std file.

Root dbspace configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the root dbspace.

Table 1. Root dbspace configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
ROOTNAME configuration parameter The root dbspace name.
ROOTPATH configuration parameter The path for the root dbspace.
ROOTOFFSET configuration parameter The offset for the root dbspace.
ROOTSIZE configuration parameter The size of the root dbspace.
MIRROR configuration parameter Enables or disables mirroring.
MIRRORPATH configuration parameter The path for the mirrored root dbspace.
MIRROROFFSET configuration parameter The offset for the mirrored root dbspace.

Physical log configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure physical logs.

Table 2. Physical log configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
PHYSFILE configuration parameter The size of the physical log.
PLOG_OVERFLOW_PATH configuration parameter The overflow directory for physical log files.
PHYSBUFF configuration parameter The size of the physical log buffer.

Logical log configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure logical logs.

Table 3. Logical log configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
LOGFILES configuration parameter The number of logical log files.
LOGSIZE configuration parameter The size of each logical log file.
DYNAMIC_LOGS configuration parameter The type of dynamic log allocation.
LOGBUFF configuration parameter The size of the logical log buffer.

Long transaction configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to control when long transactions are rolled back.

Table 4. Long transaction configuration parameters
Configuration ParameterReference
LTXHWM configuration parameterThe percentage of the logical log files that can be filled before a long transaction is rolled back.
LTXEHWM configuration parameterThe percentage of the logical log files that can be filled before the server suspends other activities so that a long transaction has exclusive use of the logs.

Server message file configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the server message file.

Table 5. Server message file configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
MSGPATH configuration parameter The path of the message file.
CONSOLE configuration parameter The path of the console message file.

Tblspace configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the tblspace in the root dbspace.

Table 6. Tblspace configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
TBLTBLFIRST configuration parameter The first extent size for the tblspace tblspace.
TBLTBLNEXT configuration parameter The next extent size for the tblspace tblspace.
TBLSPACE_STATS configuration parameter Enables or disables tblspace statistics.

Temporary dbspace and sbspace configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the default temporary dbspaces and sbspaces.

Table 7. Temporary dbspace and sbspace configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
DBSPACETEMP configuration parameter The list of dbspaces for temporary objects.
SBSPACETEMP configuration parameter The list of sbspaces for temporary smart large objects.

Dbspace and sbspace configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the default dbspaces and sbspaces.

Table 8. Default dbspaces and sbspaces configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
SBSPACENAME configuration parameter The default sbspace to store smart large objects.
SYSSBSPACENAME configuration parameter The default sbspace for system statistics.
ONDBSPACEDOWN configuration parameter Specifies the behavior of the server when a dbspace is down.

System configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to set server instance information.

Table 9. System configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
SERVERNUM configuration parameter The unique ID for the database server instance.
DBSERVERNAME configuration parameter The name of the default database server.
DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter List of alternative database server names.
FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter Prevents an accidental disk reinitialization of an existing server instance.

Network configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the network.

Table 10. Network configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
NETTYPE configuration parameter The configuration of poll threads for a specific protocol.
LISTEN_TIMEOUT configuration parameter The time the database server waits for a connection.
MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTIONS configuration parameter The maximum number of incomplete connections.
FASTPOLL configuration parameter Enables or disables fast polling.
NUMFDSERVERS configuration parameter For network connections on UNIX, use the NUMFDSERVERS configuration parameter to specify the maximum number of poll threads to handle network connections that are moving between VPs.
NS_CACHE configuration parameter Defines the maximum retention time for an individual entry in the host name/IP address cache, the service cache, the user cache, and the group cache.

CPU-related configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure CPU virtual processors.

Table 11. CPU virtual processors configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
MULTIPROCESSOR configuration parameter Setting of 1 supports multiple CPU VPs.
VPCLASS configuration parameter Defines the properties of each CPU virtual processor class.
VP_MEMORY_CACHE_KB configuration parameter The amount of private memory blocks for the CPU virtual processors.
SINGLE_CPU_VP configuration parameter Set to 0 to enable user-defined CPU VPs, or 1 for a single CPU VP.

Automatic tuning configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to automatically tune the configuration of the database server.

Table 12. CPU virtual processors configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
AUTO_TUNE configuration parameter Enable or disables all automatic tuning configuration parameters that have values that are not present in the onconfig file.
AUTO_LRU_TUNING configuration parameter Enables or disables automatic tuning of LRU queues:
AUTO_AIOVPS configuration parameter Enables or disables automatic management of AIO virtual processors.
AUTO_CKPTS configuration parameter Enables or disables automatic checkpoints.
AUTO_REPREPARE configuration parameter Enables or disables automatically reoptimizing stored procedures and repreparing prepared statements.
AUTO_STAT_MODE configuration parameter Enables or disables the mode for selectively updating statistics for your system.
AUTO_READAHEAD configuration parameter Changes the automatic read-ahead mode or disables or enables automatic read ahead for a query.

AIO and cleaner-related configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure AIO virtual processors and buffer cleaners.

Table 13. AIO and buffer cleaner configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
VPCLASS configuration parameter Configures the AIO virtual processors.
CLEANERS configuration parameter The number of page cleaner threads.
DIRECT_IO configuration parameter (UNIX) Specifies whether to use direct I/O.

Lock-related configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to set locking behavior.

Table 14. Locking configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
LOCKS configuration parameter The initial number of locks at startup.
DEF_TABLE_LOCKMODE configuration parameter The default table lock mode.

Shared memory configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure shared memory.

Table 15. Shared memory configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
RESIDENT configuration parameter Controls whether shared memory is resident.
SHMBASE configuration parameter The shared memory base address. Do not change this value.
SHMVIRTSIZE configuration parameter The initial size, in KB, of the virtual segment of shared memory.
SHMADD configuration parameter The size of virtual shared memory segments.
EXTSHMADD configuration parameter The size of each virtual-extension shared memory segment for user-defined routines and DataBlade® routines that run in user-defined virtual processors.
SHMTOTAL configuration parameter The maximum amount of shared memory for the database server.
SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG configuration parameter Controls when to add a memory segment.
SHMNOACCESS configuration parameter Lists shared memory addresses that the server cannot access.

Checkpoint and system block configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure checkpoints, recovery time objective, and system block time.

Table 16. Checkpoints, recovery time objective, and system block time configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
CKPTINTVL configuration parameter How often to check if a checkpoint is needed.
RTO_SERVER_RESTART configuration parameter The recovery time objective for a restart after a failure.
BLOCKTIMEOUT configuration parameter The amount of time for a system block.

Conversion guard configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to control information Informix® uses during an upgrade to a new version of the server.

Table 17. Conversion guard configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
CONVERSION_GUARD configuration parameter Specifies whether to stop or continue an upgrade if an error occurs during the upgrade.
RESTORE_POINT_DIR configuration parameter Specifies the path name to an empty directory where restore point files are placed during a failed upgrade when the CONVERSION_GUARD configuration parameter is enabled.

Transaction-related configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to control distributed transactions.

Table 18. Distributed transaction configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
TXTIMEOUT configuration parameter The distributed transaction timeout period.
DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT configuration parameter The maximum amount of time to wait for a lock in a distributed transaction.

ontape Tape device configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the tape device for backups with the ontape utility.

Table 19. Tape device configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
TAPEDEV configuration parameter The tape device for backups.
TAPEBLK configuration parameter The tape block size.
TAPESIZE configuration parameter The maximum amount of data to put on one backup tape.

ontape Logical log tape device configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the tape device for logical logs with the ontape utility.

Table 20. Logical log tape device configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
LTAPEDEV configuration parameter The tape device for logical log backups.
LTAPEBLK configuration parameter The tape block size for logical log backups.
LTAPESIZE configuration parameter The maximum amount of data to put on one logical log backup tape.

Backup and restore configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to control backup and restore with the ON-Bar utility. Unless specified otherwise, these configuration parameters are documented in the Informix® Backup and Restore Guide.

Table 21. ON-Bar configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
ARCHIVE_UNLOGGED_OBJECTS Specifies if a backup is allowed on an RS secondary server if non-logging objects exist in the primary database server.
BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter The location of the ON-Bar activity log file.
BAR_DEBUG_LOG configuration parameter The location of the ON-Bar debug log file.
BAR_DEBUG configuration parameter The debug level for ON-Bar.
BAR_MAX_BACKUP configuration parameter The number of backup threads used in a backup.
BAR_MAX_RESTORE configuration parameter The number of restore threads used in a restore.
BAR_RETRY configuration parameter The number of times to try a backup or restore again.
BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT configuration parameter The number of data buffers each backup process uses.
BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter The size of each data buffer.
RESTARTABLE_RESTORE configuration parameter Enables ON-Bar to continue a backup after a failure.
BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ configuration parameter How often progress messages are put in the activity log.
BAR_BSALIB_PATH configuration parameter The path for the shared library for ON-Bar and the storage manager.
BACKUP_FILTER configuration parameter The path of a filter program to use during backups.
RESTORE_FILTER configuration parameter The path of a filter program to use during restores.
BAR_PERFORMANCE configuration parameter The type of ON-Bar performance statistics to report.
BAR_CKPTSEC_TIMEOUT configuration parameter Time in seconds to wait for an archive checkpoint to complete in the secondary server.
BAR_ENCRYPTION configuration parameter To encrypt the backups.
BAR_DECRYPTION configuration parameter To decrypt the backups.

Primary Storage Manager configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the Informix® Primary Storage Manager.

Table 22. Informix® Primary Storage Manager configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
PSM_ACT_LOG configuration parameter Specifies the location of the Informix® Primary Storage Manager activity log if you do not want the log information included in the ON-Bar activity log.
PSM_DEBUG_LOG configuration parameter Specifies the location of the Informix® Primary Storage Manager debug log if you do not want the log information included in the ON-Bar debug log.
PSM_DEBUG configuration parameter Specifies the amount of information that prints in the Informix® Primary Storage Manager debug log if you want to use a debug level that is different from the one used by ON-Bar.
PSM_CATALOG_PATH configuration parameter Specifies the full path to the directory that contains the Informix® Primary Storage Manager catalog tables.
PSM_DBS_POOL configuration parameter Specifies the name of the pool in which theInformix® Primary Storage Manager places backup and restore dbspace data.
PSM_LOG_POOL configuration parameter Specifies the name of the pool in which theInformix® Primary Storage Manager places backup and restore log data.

Data dictionary cache configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the data dictionary caches.

Table 23. Data dictionary cache configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
DD_HASHSIZE configuration parameter The number of hash buckets in the data dictionary cache.
DD_HASHMAX configuration parameter The maximum number of tables in each hash bucket.

Data distribution configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the data distribution pools.

Table 24. Data distribution configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
DS_HASHSIZE configuration parameter The number of hash buckets in the data distribution cache and other caches.
DS_POOLSIZE configuration parameter The maximum number of entries in the data distribution cache and other caches.

User defined routine (UDR) configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure UDRs.

Table 25. UDR configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
PC_HASHSIZE configuration parameter The number of hash buckets in the UDR cache.
PC_POOLSIZE configuration parameter The maximum number of entries in the UDR cache.
PRELOAD_DLL_FILE configuration parameter The C UDR shared library path name to load when the server starts.

SQL statement cache configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the SQL statement cache.

Table 26. SQL statement cache configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
STMT_CACHE configuration parameter Controls SQL statement caching.
STMT_CACHE_HITS configuration parameter The number of times an SQL statement is run before it is cached.
STMT_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter The size of the SQL statement cache.
STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT configuration parameter Controls additional memory consumption of the SQL statement cache.
STMT_CACHE_NUMPOOL configuration parameter The number of pools for the SQL statement cache.

Operating system session-related configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure operating system and session features.

Table 27. Operating system and session configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
USEOSTIME configuration parameter The precision of SQL statement timing.
STACKSIZE configuration parameter The size of a session stack.
ALLOW_NEWLINE configuration parameter Whether embedded new line characters are allowed in SQL statements.
USELASTCOMMITTED configuration parameter Controls committed read isolation level.

Index-related configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure index features.

Table 28. Index configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
FILLFACTOR configuration parameter The percentage of index page fullness.
MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES configuration parameter Enables or disables filling data pages as full as possible if they have variable length rows.
BTSCANNER Configuration Parameter Configures B-tree scanner threads.
ONLIDX_MAXMEM configuration parameter The amount of memory for the pre-image and updator log pools.

Parallel database queries (PDQ) configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure PDQ.

Table 29. PDQ configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
MAX_PDQPRIORITY configuration parameter The maximum percentage of resources for a single query.
DS_MAX_QUERIES configuration parameter The maximum number of concurrent decision support queries.
DS_TOTAL_MEMORY configuration parameter The maximum amount of decision support memory.
DS_MAX_SCANS configuration parameter The maximum number of decision support scans.
DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM configuration parameter The amount of non-PDQ query memory.
DATASKIP Configuration Parameter Whether to skip a dbspace when processing a query.

Optimizer configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to influence query execution optimizer plans and directives.

Table 30. Optimizer configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
OPTCOMPIND configuration parameter Controls how the optimizer determines the best query path.
DIRECTIVES configuration parameter Enables or disables inline optimizer directives.
EXT_DIRECTIVES configuration parameter Enables or disables external directives.
OPT_GOAL configuration parameter Controls how to optimize for fastest retrieval.
IFX_FOLDVIEW configuration parameter Enables or disables folding views.
STATCHANGE configuration parameter Specifies a positive integer for a global percentage of a change threshold to identify data distribution statistics that need to be updated.
USTLOW_SAMPLE configuration parameter Enables or disables the generation of index statistics based on sampling when you run UPDATE STATISTICS statements in LOW mode.

Scan configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to set read-ahead behavior.

Table 31. Scan configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
BATCHEDREAD_TABLE configuration parameter Enables or disables light scans on compressed tables, tables with rows that are larger than a page, and tables with VARCHAR, LVARCHAR, and NVARCHAR data.
BATCHEDREAD_INDEX configuration parameter Enables the optimizer to perform light scans for indexes.

SQL tracing configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to set SQL tracing.

Table 32. SQL tracing configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
EXPLAIN_STAT configuration parameter Enables or disables including query statistics in the explain output file.
SQLTRACE configuration parameter Configures SQL tracing.

Security configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure security options.

Table 33. Security configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
DBCREATE_PERMISSION configuration parameter Specifies users who can create databases.
DB_LIBRARY_PATH configuration parameter Specifies the locations of UDR or UDT shared libraries.
IFX_EXTEND_ROLE configuration parameter Controls how to specify which users can register external routines.
SECURITY_LOCALCONNECTION configuration parameter Whether the database server checks the security of local connections.
UNSECURE_ONSTAT configuration parameter Whether non-DBSA users can run onstat commands.
ADMIN_USER_MODE_WITH_DBSA configuration parameter Controls who can connect to the server in administration mode.
ADMIN_MODE_USERS configuration parameter Lists the users who can connect in administration mode.
ids_adr_1199.html#ids_adr_1199 Controls the encryption of storage spaces.

Label-based access control configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the label-based access control (LBAC) cache. These configuration parameters are documented in the Informix® Security Guide.

Table 34. LBAC configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
PLCY_POOLSIZE configuration parameter The number of hash buckets in the LBAC security information cache.
PLCY_HASHSIZE configuration parameter The maximum number of entries in each hash bucket of the LBAC security information cache.
USRC_POOLSIZE configuration parameter The number of hash buckets in the LBAC credential memory cache.
USRC_HASHSIZE configuration parameter The maximum number of entries in each hash bucket of the LBAC credential memory cache.

Built-in character data types configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameter to configure built-in character data types.

Table 35. Built-in character data types configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR configuration parameter Enables or disables the expansion of size specifications in declarations of built-in character data types.

Sequence cache configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameter to configure the sequence cache:

Table 36. Sequence cache data types configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
SEQ_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter Specifies the maximum number of sequence objects that are cached in memory.

High-availability and Enterprise Replication security configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure security for high-availability clusters and Enterprise Replication.

Table 37. High-availability and Enterprise Replication security configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
ENCRYPT_HDR configuration parameter Enables or disables encryption for HDR.
ENCRYPT_SMX configuration parameter The level of encryption for SDS or RSS servers.
ENCRYPT_CDR Configuration Parameter The level of encryption for Enterprise Replication.
ENCRYPT_CIPHERS configuration parameter Lists encryption ciphers and modes.
ENCRYPT_MAC configuration parameter The level of the message authentication code (MAC).
ENCRYPT_MACFILE configuration parameter The paths of MAC key files.
ENCRYPT_SWITCH configuration parameter The frequency to switch ciphers and keys.

Enterprise Replication configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure Enterprise Replication (ER). These configuration parameters are documented in the HCL® Informix® Enterprise Replication Guide.

Table 38. Enterprise Replication configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
CDR_EVALTHREADS Configuration Parameter The numbers of evaluator threads.
CDR_DSLOCKWAIT Configuration Parameter The amount of time data sync threads wait for database locks.
CDR_QUEUEMEM Configuration Parameter The maximum amount of memory for send and receive queues.
CDR_NIFCOMPRESS Configuration Parameter The network interface compression level.
CDR_SERIAL Configuration Parameter The incremental size and starting value of serial columns.
CDR_DBSPACE Configuration Parameter The dbspace name for the syscdr database.
CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE Configuration Parameter The names of sbspaces for spooled transactions.
CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN Configuration Parameter The data sync warnings and errors to suppress in ATS and RIS files.
CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC configuration parameter The amount of time to retain delete tables.
CDR_LOG_LAG_ACTION configuration parameter The action taken when the database server comes close to overwriting a logical log that Enterprise Replication did not yet process.
CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE Configuration Parameter The maximum amount of space that Enterprise Replication uses to stage log files.
CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS Configuration Parameter The maximum number of dynamic log requests that Enterprise Replication can make in a session.
GRIDCOPY_DIR Configuration Parameter The default directory used by the ifx_grid_copy procedure.
CDR_TSINSTANCEID configuration parameter The unique identifier for time series instances that are replicated.
CDR_MAX_FLUSH_SIZE configuration parameter The maximum number of transactions that are applied before the logs are flushed to disk.
CDR_AUTO_DISCOVER configuration parameter Allow auto-configuration of Enterprise Replication though the cdr autoconfig serv command, installation wizard, or ifxclone utility.
CDR_MEM configuration parameter Specifies the method of memory pool allocation for Enterprise Replication.

Parallel sharded queries configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure parallel sharded queries.

Table 39. Parallel sharded queries configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
SHARD_MEM configuration parameter Specifies how to allocate shared memory for sharded queries on a shard server.
SHARD_ID configuration parameter Sets the unique ID for a shard server in a shard cluster.

High-availability cluster configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure high-availability clusters.

Table 40. High-availability cluster configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
DRAUTO configuration parameter Controls automatic failover of primary servers.
DRINTERVAL configuration parameter The maximum interval between buffer flushes.
HDR_TXN_SCOPE configuration parameter Adjust transaction synchronization between client applications, the primary server, and the HDR secondary server.
DRTIMEOUT configuration parameter The network timeout period.
DRLOSTFOUND configuration parameter The path of the HDR lost-and-found file.
DRIDXAUTO configuration parameter Enables or disables automatic index repair.
HA_ALIAS configuration parameter The server alias for a high-availability cluster.
HA_FOC_ORDER configuration parameter Defines a single failover rule used by Connection Managers.
LOG_INDEX_BUILDS configuration parameter Enables or disables index page logging.
SDS_ENABLE configuration parameter Enables or disables and SD secondary server.
SDS_TIMEOUT configuration parameter The time the primary waits for acknowledgment from an SD secondary server.
SDS_TEMPDBS configuration parameter The temporary dbspace used by an SD secondary server.
SDS_ALTERNATE configuration parameter The alternate means of communication between the primary server and SD secondary servers in a high-availability cluster.
SDS_PAGING configuration parameter The paths of SD secondary paging files.
SDS_LOGCHECK configuration parameter Whether the primary server is generating log activity and to allow or prevent failover of the primary server.
UPDATABLE_SECONDARY configuration parameter Whether the secondary server can accept update, insert, or delete operations from clients.
FAILOVER_CALLBACK configuration parameter The program called when a secondary server makes the transition to a standard or primary server.
TEMPTAB_NOLOG configuration parameter The default logging mode for temporary tables.
DELAY_APPLY Configuration Parameter The delay time for applying transactions on an RS secondary server.
STOP_APPLY configuration parameter Stops applying transactions on an RS secondary server.
LOG_STAGING_DIR configuration parameter The directory to stage log files.
RSS_FLOW_CONTROL configuration parameter Enables flow control for RS secondary servers.
FAILOVER_TX_TIMEOUT configuration parameter Enables or disables transaction survival behavior during failover.
ENABLE_SNAPSHOT_COPY configuration parameter Whether the server instance can be cloned by the ifxclone utility.
SMX_COMPRESS configuration parameter The level of compression that the database server uses when sending data from the source database server to the target database server.
SMX_PING_INTERVAL configuration parameter The number of seconds in a timeout interval.
SMX_PING_RETRY configuration parameter The number of timeout intervals before a secondary server closes the SMX connection to the primary server.
CLUSTER_TXN_SCOPE configuration parameter Controls when transaction commits can be returned to a client application.
SMX_NUMPIPES configuration parameter Sets the number of pipes for SMX connections.
SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter Enables non-blocking checkpoint at HDR and RS secondary server.

Logical recovery configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to set logical recovery threads.

Table 41. Logical recovery configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
ON_RECVRY_THREADS configuration parameter The number of logical recovery threads that run in parallel during a warm restore.
OFF_RECVRY_THREADS configuration parameter The number of logical recovery threads used in a cold restore and for fast recovery.

Diagnostic dump configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to control diagnostic dump information.

Table 42. Diagnostic configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
DUMPDIR configuration parameter The location of assertion failure diagnostic files.
DUMPSHMEM configuration parameter (UNIX) Controls shared memory dumps.
DUMPGCORE configuration parameter (UNIX) Enables or disables whether the database server dumps a core to the gcore file.
DUMPCORE configuration parameter (UNIX) Enables or disables whether the database server dumps a core after an assertion failure.
DUMPCNT configuration parameter (UNIX) The maximum number of shared memory dumps for a session.

Alarm program configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the alarm program.

Table 43. Alarm program configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
ALARMPROGRAM configuration parameter The alarm program to display event alarms.
ALRM_ALL_EVENTS configuration parameter Whether the alarm program runs for all events.
STORAGE_FULL_ALARM configuration parameter How often messages and events are raised when a storage space is full or a partition runs out of pages or extents.
SYSALARMPROGRAM configuration parameter The system alarm program triggered after an assertion failure.

Technical support configuration parameters

The following configuration parameters to are used by technical support and are set automatically.

Table 44. Technical support configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
RAS_PLOG_SPEED Reserved for support.
RAS_LLOG_SPEED Reserved for support.

Character processing configuration parameter

Use the following configuration parameter to control whether Informix® checks if characters are valid for the locale.

Table 45. Character processing configuration parameter
Configuration Parameter Reference
EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE configuration parameter Enables or disables checking character validity.

Statistics configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to control the collection of queue and wait statistics.

Table 46. Queue and wait statistics configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
QSTATS configuration parameter Enables or disables collecting queue statistics.
WSTATS configuration parameter Enables or disables collecting wait statistics.

User mapping configuration parameter

Use this configuration parameter to control user mapping.

Table 47. User mapping

Configuration ParameterDescription
USERMAPPING configuration parameter (UNIX, Linux)Whether mapped users can connect to Informix®, and if so, whether the mapped user can have administrative privileges.

Storage provisioning configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to control information that enables the server to automatically extend or add a chunk when more space is needed in an existing storage space (dbspace, temporary dbspace, sbspace, temporary sbspace, or blobspace).

Table 48. Storage provisioning configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
SP_AUTOEXPAND configuration parameter Enables or disables the automatic creation or extension of chunks in a storage space.
SP_THRESHOLD configuration parameter Defines the minimum amount of free KB that can exist in a storage space.
SP_WAITTIME configuration parameter Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a thread waits for a storage pool to expand before returning an "out of space" error.

Automatic location of database objects

Use the following configuration parameter to enable automatic location and fragmentation.

Table 49. Automatic location configuration parameter
Configuration Parameter Reference
AUTOLOCATE configuration parameter Enables the automatic location of databases and tables and the automatic fragmentation of tables.

Default escape configuration parameter

Use the following configuration parameter as needed.

Table 50. Default escape configuration parameter
Configuration Parameter Reference
DEFAULTESCCHAR configuration parameter Specifies a default escape character.

WebSphere® MQ server configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure the database server for MQ messaging. These configuration parameters are documented in the Informix® Database Extensions User's Guide.

Table 51. MQ configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
MQSERVER configuration parameter Defines a channel, specifies the location of the WebSphere® MQ server, and specifies the communication method to be used.
MQCHLLIB configuration parameter Specifies the path to the directory that contains the WebSphere® MQ client channel definition table.
MQCHLTAB configuration parameter Specifies the name of WebSphere® the client channel definition table.

Non-root user server installation configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters with non-root server installations.

Table 52. Non-root user server installation
Configuration Parameter Reference
REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter Specifies the name of a file that lists the remote hosts that are trusted by the database server computer.
REMOTE_USERS_CFG configuration parameter Specifies the name of a file that lists names of trusted users that exist on remote hosts.
S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter Specifies the file used to authenticate secure server connections in a trusted network environment.

Low memory configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to manage low memory.

Table 53. Low memory configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
LOW_MEMORY_RESERVE configuration parameter Reserves a specific amount of memory for use when critical activities are needed and the server has limited free memory.
LOW_MEMORY_MGR configuration parameter Change the default behavior of the server when it reaches the memory limit.

Connection parameters

Use the following parameters to manage connections.

Table 54. Connection configuration parameters

Configuration ParameterDescription
INFORMIXCONRETRY configuration parameter

Specifies the number of connection attempts that can be made to the database server after the initial connection attempt fails. With the INFORMIXCONTIME configuration parameter, specifies the frequency at which the CONNECT statement tries to connect to the database server.

INFORMIXCONTIME configuration parameter

Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the CONNECT statement attempts to establish a connection to the database server. With the INFORMIXRETRY configuration parameter, specifies the frequency at which the CONNECT statement tries to connect to the database server.

Session limits

Use the following configuration parameters to create limits for individual sessions.

Table 55. Session-limit configuration parameters.
Configuration ParameterReference
SESSION_LIMIT_LOCKS configuration parameterLimits the number of locks.
SESSION_LIMIT_MEMORY configuration parameterLimits the available memory.
SESSION_LIMIT_TEMPSPACE configuration parameterLimits temporary table space.
SESSION_LIMIT_LOGSPACE configuration parameterLimits logspace available to individual transactions.
SESSION_LIMIT_TXN_TIME configuration parameterLimits the amount of time that a transaction can run.

Tenant limits

Use the following configuration parameters to specify limits on tenant databases.

Table 56. Tenant limits configuration parameters.
Configuration Parameter Reference
TENANT_LIMIT_SPACE configuration parameter Limits the amount of storage space available to a tenant database.
TENANT_LIMIT_MEMORY configuration parameter Limits the amount of shared memory for all sessions that are connected to the tenant database.
TENANT_LIMIT_CONNECTIONS configuration parameter Limits the number of connections to a tenant database.

Java configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure Java virtual processors. These configuration parameters are documented in the J/Foundation Developer's Guide.

Table 57. Java configuration parameters
Configuration ParameterReference
VPCLASSConfigures a Java virtual processor class.
JVPPROPFILEThe Java VP property file.
JVPLOGFILEThe Java VP log file.
JVPARGSConfigures the Java VM.
JVPCLASSPATHThe Java class path.

Buffer pool and LRU tuning configuration parameters

Use the following configuration parameters to configure buffer pools and tune LRU queues.

Table 58. Buffer pool and LRU tuning configuration parameters
Configuration Parameter Reference
BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter Configures buffer pools.

Additional parameters

Some configuration parameters are not in the onconfig.std file. You can add these parameters to your onconfig file as necessary.

Table 59. Parameters that are not in the onconfig.std file
Configuration Parameter Reference
AUTO_TUNE_SERVER_SIZE configuration parameter Sets the size of the database server based on the number of expected users.

If you create a server during installation, this parameter is set in your onconfig file.

AUTO_LLOG configuration parameter Automatically adds logical logs in the specified dbspace to improve performance and to limit the total size of logical log files.

If you create a server during installation, this parameter is set in your onconfig file.

CDR_APPLY Configuration Parameter Specifies the minimum and maximum number of data sync threads.
CDR_ENV Configuration Parameter Sets some specific Enterprise Replication environment variables.
CHECKALLDOMAINSFORUSER configuration parameter Specifies how the database server searches for user names in a networked Windows environment.
DISABLE_B162428_XA_FIX configuration parameter Specifies whether to free global transactions after a rollback operation.
DRDA_COMMBUFFSIZE configuration parameter Specifies the size of the DRDA® communications buffer.
IFX_XA_UNIQUEXID_IN_DATABASE configuration parameter Enables the transaction manager to use same XID to represent global transactions on different databases in the same database server instance.
LIMITNUMSESSIONS configuration parameter Specifies the maximum number of sessions that can connect to the database server.
MSG_DATE configuration parameter Inserts a date stamp at the beginning of messages that are printed to the online log.
NET_IO_TIMEOUT_ALARM configuration parameter Sends notification if network write operations are blocked for 30 minutes or more.
PN_STAGEBLOB_THRESHOLD configuration parameter Reserves space for BYTE and TEXT data in round-robin fragments.