onspaces -cl: Clean up stray smart large objects in sbspaces

Use the onspaces -cl option to clean up stray smart large objects in sbspaces.

Figure 1. Syntax:

1  onspaces -cl  sbspace
Element Purpose Key Considerations
-cl Cleans up stray smart large objects in an sbspace To find any stray smart large objects, use the oncheck -pS command when no users are connected to the database server. The smart large objects with a reference count of 0 are stray objects.
sbspace Names the sbspace to be cleaned up Syntax must conform to the Identifier segment; see the Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.

During normal operation, no unreferenced (stray) smart large objects should exist. When you delete a smart large object, the space is released. If the database server fails or runs out of system memory while you are deleting a smart large object, the smart large object might remain as a stray object.

The following is an example of the onspaces -cl command:
onspaces -cl myspace

The best way to find the reference count for a smart large object is to call the mi_lo_stat or ifx_lo_stat functions from a C program. Although the mi_lo_increfcount and mi_lo_decrefcount functions return the reference count, they increment or decrement the reference count. For more information on these functions, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Function Reference.

This command has an equivalent SQL administration API function.