Turn logging on or off for an sbspace

You can control whether logging is on of off for an sbspace with several different methods.

If you want to use logging in an sbspace, specify the -Df "LOGGING=ON" option of the onspaces command when you create the sbspace. If logging is turned off in the sbspace, you can turn on logging for smart large objects in specific columns. One column that contains smart large objects can have logging turned on while another column has logging turned off.

To verify that smart large objects in an sbspace are logged, use the oncheck -pS sbspace_name | grep " Create Flags" command.

If you create smart large objects in the sbspace with the default logging option and you see the LO_NOLOG flag in the output, the smart large objects in this sbspace are not logged. If you see the LO_LOG flag in the output, all smart large objects in this sbspace are logged.

You can modify the logging status of an sbspace in any of the following ways.

Function or statement to specify Logging action References
onspaces -ch -Df "LOGGING=ON"

onspaces -ch -Df "LOGGING=OFF"

Turns logging on or off for an existing sbspace Alter storage characteristics of smart large objects

onspaces -ch: Change sbspace default specifications

The SQL administration API task() or admin() function with the set sbspace logging on or set sbspace logging off argument Turns logging on or off for an existing sbspace set sbspace logging argument: Change the logging of an sbspace (SQL administration API)
LOG option in the PUT clause of the CREATE TABLE or alter table statement Turns on logging for all smart large objects that you load into the column Logging

PUT Clause

mi_lo_create DataBlade® API function Turns off logging for a smart large object when it is initially loaded Informix® DataBlade® API Function Reference
mi_lo_alter DataBlade® API function Turns on logging after the load is complete Informix® DataBlade® API Function Reference
ifx_lo_create Informix® ESQL/C function Turns off logging for a smart large object when it is initially loaded Informix® ESQL/C Programmer's Manual
ifx_lo_alter Informix® ESQL/C function Turns on logging after the load is complete Informix® ESQL/C Programmer's Manual