When you create an sbspace, you can specify whether to turn on logging for the smart large objects.
You specify the logging status with the LOGGING tag of the onspaces -c -Df option. The default is " LOGGING=off" . You can change the logging status with the onspaces -c -Df option. You can override this logging status with the PUT clause in the SQL statements CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. For more information about these SQL statements, see the Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.
The programmer can override this logging status with functions that the DataBlade® API and Informix® ESQL/C provide. For more information about the DataBlade® API functions for smart large objects, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Function Reference. For more information about the Informix® ESQL/C functions for smart large objects, see the Informix® ESQL/C Programmer's Manual.
When you turn on logging for an sbspace, the smart large objects pass through the resident portion of shared memory. Although applications can retrieve pieces of a smart large object, you still must consider the larger size of data that might pass through the buffer pool and logical-log buffers. For more information, see Access smart large objects.