Monitoring scheduled messages

The following server console commands are available to monitor scheduled mail.

About this task

Table 1. Commands for monitoring scheduled mail
Command Description
tell router list Lists each message in the main message queue and its state. Now includes Scheduled as one of the states.
tell router show Includes the following line that shows the number of scheduled messages waiting to be sent: Waiting for scheduled send time
show stat Mail.WaitingForSchedule Shows the number of scheduled messages waiting to be sent, for example:
> show stat Mail.WaitingForSchedule
Mail.WaitingForSchedule = 4
1 statistics found
show stat Mail.TotalScheduledReleased Shows the number of scheduled messages that have been sent since the server was last started, for example:
> show stat  Mail.TotalScheduledReleased
Mail.TotalScheduledReleased = 1
1 statistics found
show stat Mail.WaitingNotScheduled Shows the current number of pending messages excluding scheduled messages waiting to be sent.
 >  show stat mail.waitingNotScheduled
Mail.WaitingNotScheduled = 0
1 statistics found