Roadmap: Configuration Settings - Basics tab

Use the Basics tab to establish settings for one server or all servers in your domain. You can enable features such as Type Ahead and License Tracking, as well as designate whether to enable International MIME settings and other related settings.

Table 1. Basics tab
Field Description
Use these settings as the default settings for all servers Select Yes to use this document as the default Configuration Settings document for all Domino® servers in the Domino® domain. If you create additional Configuration Settings documents in the Domino® Directory for specific servers or groups of servers, settings in those documents override equivalent settings in the default document.
Group or Server name Enter the name of the individual server or server group to which this Configuration Settings document applies. If you select the checkbox in the previous field, Domino® places an asterisk in this field.
Type-ahead Choose one:
  • Enabled - (default) The server checks the Domino® Directory for an address that matches what a Notes® user enters in the To, cc, or bcc field of a message.
  • Disabled - The server does not try to match addresses. Matches occur only in the user's Personal Address Book or local Directory Catalog.
International MIME Settings for this document This checkbox specifies whether to activate international MIME settings specified in this document.
  • Select the checkbox to enable use of the international MIME settings for the servers using this document.
  • Deselect the checkbox (default), to instruct Domino® to ignore the international MIME settings in the document.
IMAP server returns exact size of message If this Configuration Settings document is used to administer Domino® Release 5 servers, this field specifies how Domino® obtains size information for messages stored in Notes® rich text format before sending messages headers to IMAP clients. Choose one:
  • Enabled - Before sending message headers to the client, the IMAP service determines the exact size of each message by first converting each message stored in Notes® rich text format to MIME format. This can result in slower header retrieval for clients that have large mail files containing many messages in Notes® rich text format, and places an additional load on the server.
  • Disabled - If IMAP clients have mail files containing messages in Notes® rich text format, Domino® estimates the size of these messages.
POP3 server returns exact size of message Specifies how Domino® obtains size information for messages in Notes® rich text format before sending message headers to POP3 clients. Choose one:
  • Enabled - Before sending message headers to the client, the POP3 service determines the exact size of each message by first converting each message stored in Notes® rich text format to MIME format. This can result in slower header retrieval for clients that have large mail files containing many messages in Notes® rich text format, and places an additional load on the server.
  • Disabled - If POP3 clients have mail files containing messages in Notes® rich text format, Domino® estimates the size of these messages
Extract calendar details Select Enabled if you want the server to collect detailed data from public calendar entries into the Free Time database (BUSYTIME.NSF or CLUBUSY.NSF). To limit growth of this database, do not enable the server to collect calendar details.
Note: This field displays if you select Yes in the field Use these settings as the default settings for all servers.
Calendar details to extract Select the details that the server collects from user calendars. Choose one or more of the following calendar fields:
  • Appointment Type
  • Categories
  • Chair
  • Location
  • Room
Note: This field displays only if you enable the field Extract calendar details.
License Tracking Specifies whether servers support client license tracking. Choose one:
  • Enabled - Domino® monitors the number of authenticated client sessions and records information in the User Licenses database and the License tracking document.
  • Disabled - (default) Client license tracking is not available on the server.
Minimum Client Level This field does not apply to any user listed in any of the Administrator fields on the Security tab of the Server document.

Specifies the earliest release of the Notes® client that is allowed to access the server. Enter the minimum release number you want the server to support, for example, 5.0.11. Users running earlier releases of Notes® will be unable to establish sessions with the server.

When this field is blank (the default), the server does not enforce a minimum client level for access.

Note: Domino® can distinguish between point releases of the Notes® client beginning with Release 5.0.11. For earlier clients, Domino® can distinguish between major release only. To prevent access from clients earlier than Release 3.x or 4.x, enter the value of any 3.x or 4.x releases in this field; for example, if you enter 4.6, Domino® enforces a minimum client level of 4.x. If you enter a number in the range from 5.0 through 5.0.10, Domino® prevents access from any client earlier than 5.0.11.
Maximum Client Level This field does not apply to any user listed in any of the Administrator fields on the Security tab of the Server document.

Specifies the latest release of the Notes® client that is allowed to access the server. Enter the maximum release number you want the server to support, for example, 8.5. Users running later releases of Notes® will be unable to establish sessions with the server.

When this field is blank (the default), the server does not enforce a maximum client level for access.

Note: Domino® can distinguish between point releases of the Notes® client beginning with Release 5.0.11. For earlier releases, Domino® can distinguish between clients at the major release level only. If you enter 5.0 in this field, Domino® denies access to clients running 5.0.11 and later. If you enter 4.6 in this field, Domino® denies access to Notes® Release 5 and later clients