Creating mail database replicas in a cluster during user registration
You can use the HCL Domino® Administrator to create mail database replicas during user registration.
From the Domino® Administrator
- Click the People & Groups tab.
- In the Tools pane, expand People, and then click Register.
- In the Choose a Certifier dialog
box, choose a certifier:
- In the Advanced, and then click the Mail tab. dialog box, select
- In the Mail system field, choose Notes.
- Click Mail Server, and choose a cluster server as the Mail server.
- Click Mail File Replicas.
- Select Create mail database replica(s). A list is displayed of servers in the same cluster as the mail server.
- Do one of the following:
- To create a replica of the mail database on all of the cluster servers, skip this step.
- To change the list of servers to receive a replica, use the Remove Server(s) button and the Add Server(s) button.
- Optional: Select Create mail replica(s) in background.
- Click OK, and then complete any other fields you want on the Mail tab.
- Optional: To set up the user for roaming, follow the procedure for setting up roaming servers in a cluster, including the procedure for setting up new users for roaming.
- Complete the rest of the user registration the way you normally would.