DAOS Manager Tell commands

You use Tell commands with the Domino® Attachment and Object Service (DAOS) Manager process.

Table 1. DAOS Manager Tell commands



Tell DAOSMgr Quit

Stops DAOS Manager process, cleans up, and exits.

Tell DAOSMgr Help

Lists DAOS Manager options.

Tell DAOSMgr Status

Displays status of various DAOS Manager operations.

Tell DAOSMgr Status database_name

Displays DAOS status of the database with database_name, for example, mymail.nsf.

Tell DAOSMgr Status Catalog

Displays status of the DAOS catalog.

Tell DAOSMgr Dbsummary

Displays status of all DAOS-enabled databases.

The dbsummary command accepts additional optional parameters to filter the output of the command. For details, see Dbsummary and databases command filters at the end of this document.

Tell DAOSMgr Databases

Displays status of all DAOS-enabled databases with additional details, for example, a database's last resynchronization point.

The databases command accepts additional optional parameters to filter the output of the command. For details, see Dbsummary and databases command filters at the end of this document.

Tell DAOSMgr ListNLO

Lists DAOS objects (.NLO files) in the DAOS storage repository, allowing an administrator to identify documents whose objects may be missing after an event such as a server restore or the deletion of a database file through the operating system. You can restore the missing objects from backup sources. Files are missing when they are still referenced by documents in at least one database, but are no longer present in the repository.

You can enter -o to specify the name of an output file, the keyword ALL or MISSING to list all or just missing files, and the name of a database whose objects to list. For example:

tell daosmgr listnlo -o mymailobjects.txt MISSING mymail.nsf

Tell DAOSMgr Prune number of days old

With no argument, displays the current setting for Defer object deletion for n days, also known as the deferred delete interval, specified on the DAOS tab of the Server document.

With the argument 0, immediately deletes all DAOS unreferenced objects.

With the number of days old argument, immediately deletes all DAOS unreferenced objects that are older than the argument, overriding the delete interval specified in the Server document.

CAUTION: Objects that have not been backed up since the specified duration are at risk of being unrecoverable.

Tell DAOSMgr Resync

Resynchronizes DAOS-enabled databases with DAOS objects in the storage repository. Resynchronization is necessary whenever DAOS reference counts need to be recalculated, for example when there has been a database restore, deletion of a database through the operating system, or any other event that can invalidate the count.

Resynchronization corrects mismatches between reference counts in the DAOS catalog (DAOSCAT.NSF) and actual objects found. When a mismatch is detected, DAOS disallows pruning of attachment objects (.NLO files) until DAOS is synchronized using this command.

You can set a time window for resynchronization so that it occurs during quiet hours. For more information, see the related topics.

Tell DAOSMgr Resync Force

Runs the resynchronization command whether or not the DAOS catalog is in a synchronized state.

Tell DAOSMgr Resync Quick

Runs the resynchronization command, but without reference counts on the .NLO files, leaving the catalog in the RESYNCING state, and preventing the nightly prune process from running. A quick resync makes DAOS operational if it is needed during production hours, allowing new .NLO files to be created and all existing ones read.

After a quick resync, the next full resync is needed to complete the process by scanning databases and adjusting reference counts.

For more information on the DAOS catalog states, see Related information.

Tell DAOSMgr Repair Objects Works together with the resynchronization command to identify DAOS objects that are needed on the server but were marked as missing by resync. The repair command will attempt to copy any missing .NLO files from the server's cluster mates and restore them if possible. You can configure repair to run automatically after a resync using the DAOS configuration tab of the server document.

For more information on configuring DAOS repair, see Repairing missing DAOS objects.

Tell DAOSMgr Repair .NLO file name Repairs the specified .NLO file, for example E0B7DEE218E9BCD2392E836AA536E767306B5F0F000010E1.nlo.
Tell DAOSMgr Repair list missing

Lists the DAOS objects that were detected as missing during resync – these are objects which may be recoverable from this server's cluster mates.

Tell DAOSMgr Repair databasename.nsf Makes attempts to repair any missing DAOS attachments that the specified database has references to.
Note: This command is for v14.0 FP1 and later.
Tell DAOSMgr Resyncsnapshot enable Sets a flag which instructs DAOSMgr to build an object. As a result, the database cross references the next time that DAOS resync runs. For more information, see Gathering DAOS data using DAOS resync snapshot.
Tell DAOSMgr Resyncsnapshot enablefull Sets a flag which instructs DAOSMgr to build an object -> database cross reference with additional encryption related information the next time that DAOS resync runs. For more information, see Gathering DAOS data using DAOS resync snapshot.
Tell DAOSMgr Resyncsnapshot disable Unsets the flag set with resyncsnapshot enable or resyncsnapshot enablefull effectively canceling the scheduled snapshot request.
When resyncing, you can now see the progress displayed in the "show task" status output. The typical output from the "show task" command is:
DAOS Manager Resync: Idle
DAOS Manager Prune: Idle
DAOS Manager DbDelete: Idle
DAOS Manager Adopt: Idle
DAOS Manager Idle
After starting a sync through tell daosmgr resync, it will show:
sh tas
DAOS Manager S3Push: Idle
DAOS Manager Resync: Synchronized 28 of 62 databases (45 percent)
DAOS Manager Prune: Idle
DAOS Manager DbDelete: Idle
DAOS Manager Adopt: Idle
DAOS Manager Idle

Dbsummary and databases command filters

The dbsummary and databases commands both accept additional parameters that filter the command output.
Parameter Meaning
-nz No zero, do not display information for databases that have zero active DAOS references (show only databases with active DAOS references).
-filter (or -f) Only show DAOS-enabled databases that contain this filter string.

For example:

  • tell daosmgr dbsummary -f autoupdate

    Matches autoupdate.nsf, autoupdateserver.nsf and autoupdate.ntf

  • tell daosmgr dbsummary -f autoupdatese

    Matches autoupdateserver.nsf, but excludes autoupdate.nsf and autoupdate.ntf

  • tell daosmgr dbsummary -f mail3\

    Matches all DAOS-enabled databases in the mail3 directory

-state (or -s) [Resync | Synch | Deleted | Adopt] Only show DAOS-enabled databases that have the specified state. A typical use for this filter is to see which DAOS-enabled databases have gone out of sync.

For example:

  • tell daosmgr dbsummary -s Resync

    Matches databases in states "Resync: Needed", "Resync: Scanning", "Resync: Pending", or "Resync: Updating Refs"

  • tell daosmgr dbsummary -s Deleted

    Matches databases in states "Deleted" or "Deleted: Updating Refs"

Note: These parameters can be used in any combination, such as:
  • dbsummary -f mail3\ -state Resync

    Shows information for DAOS-enabled databases in mail3\ which need to be resynchronized

  • dbsummary -f mail3\ -nz

    Shows information for DAOS-enabled databases in mail3\ which have at least one DAOS reference