Keymgmt Show
Shows a specific named encryption key or all named encryption keys in the server ID file, shows a shared encryption key or all shared encryption keys in a credential store, or shows one DKIM key or all DKIM keys in a credential store.
Syntax: Show named encryption keys
keymgmt show nek <nekname> | ALL
For example, to show the key named credstorekey in the server ID file,
keymgmt show nek credstorekey
To show all named encryption keys in the server ID file, enter:
keymgmt show nek ALL
Syntax: Show shared encryption keys
keymgmt show sharedkey <keyname> | ALL
For example, to show the shared encryption key MyCluster_AES_128 in the credential
store, enter:
keymgmt show sharedkey MyCluster_AES_128
To show all shared encryption keys in the credential store, enter:
keymgmt show sharedkey ALL
Syntax: Show DKIM keys
keymgmt show dkim [ <domain> <selector> | ALL]
keymgmt show dkim 12345
keymgmt show dkim ALL