Invoking one-touch Domino setup with system environment variables on Windows or UNIX
Complete this procedure to invoke one-touch Domino setup with system environment variables if you run Domino on Windows or UNIX.
Before you begin
- Install Domino.
- Change to the directory in which you installed Domino, for example, C:\Domino.
- Use a shell script or batch file or run individual commands to export the system environment variables needed to set up your server. This step makes the variables available for processing in the next step.
To invoke one-touch Domino setup, run the command that corresponds to the
operating system you use:
On Windows:
cd <Data-dir> <Domino-program-dir>\nserver -autoconf
Example:cd d:\notesdata c:\domino\nserver.exe -autoconf
Alternatively, instead or switching to the data directory to find the notes.ini file, you can add the notes.ini to the command:<Domino-program-dir>\nserver =<Data-dir>\notes.ini -autoconf
Example:c:\domino\bin\nserver.exe =d:\notesdata\notes.ini -autoconf
On UNIX:/opt/hcl/domino/bin/tools/startup /opt/hcl/domino/notes/latest/linux/server -autoconf