Invoking one-touch Domino setup with parameters in a JSON file on Windows or UNIX

Complete this procedure to invoke one-touch Domino setup with parameters in a JSON file if you run Domino on Windows or UNIX.

Before you begin

Complete the procedure Preparing input parameters in a JSON file.


  1. Install Domino.
  2. Change to the directory in which you installed Domino, for example, C:\Domino.
  3. Run the Domino server program with the -autoconf option specifying the source JSON file. You can specify the full path to the JSON file or the path relative to the data directory.
    On Windows:
    <Domino-program-dir>\nserver -autoconf <input-JSON-file>
    For example:
    C:\domino\nserver -autoconf setup.json
    On UNIX:
    /opt/hcl/domino/bin/server -autoconf <input-JSON-file>
    For example:
    /opt/hcl/domino/bin/server -autoconf setup.json


Your new Domino server should be up and running.