TLS port configuration
The TLS protocol always provides an encrypted, integrity-checked, communications channel and authenticated server identity. TLS servers can be optionally configured to request various forms of client identity authentication.
You must enable TLS on a protocol-by-protocol basis. Some Internet protocols do not support client certificate authentication.
To set up a port for TLS authentication, do the following:
- Configure the port.
- Determine whether you require users to access the server using only TLS, or both TLS and TCP/IP.
If you are using Internet Site documents, you configure most TLS port parameters in the Internet Site document for each protocol. However, you must still configure the following settings in the Server document for each Internet protocol: TCP/IP port and status, TLS port and status. You must also specify whether you want to enforce server access settings for the TCP/IP port of a given protocol.
Using server authentication only
Server authentication encrypts data and authenticates server identity. To control access to databases on the server by user name, set up name-and-password authentication. To enable TLS for server authentication only:
- The server must have a certificate from a Domino® or third-party CA.
- The clients must have the server's CA certificate marked as a trusted root. Clients can also trust the TLS server certificate directly, by creating a cross-certificate for it.
- If you are using a Notes® client, the Notes® client must have a cross-certificate for the server CA or the TLS server's certificate.
Using client certificate authentication
In addition to the security provided by server authentication, client certificate authentication verifies the client's identity through the use of Internet (x.509) client certificates. Using server and client certificate authentication, you can control access to databases by specifying individual client user names in the database ACLs. To enable TLS for client certificate authentication:
- Complete the server authentication requirements in the preceding section.
- The clients must have certificates from a Domino® or third-party CA.
- The server must have the client's CA certificate marked as a trusted root.
- Each client must have a Person document in the Domino® Directory that contains the TLS public key from the client certificate.