Setting up free time lookups for Microsoft 365
Domino's Exchange Connector task (ExConn) performs searches and returns results so that HCL Notes, Verse, iNotes, and Traveler users can do free time lookups on Microsoft 365 users.
BT_LWP_SERVER INI=hierarchical name of the Domino server running ExConn
About this task
ExConn uses the Domino credential store to securely store the credentials needed to make Graph API requests to Microsoft 365. Your credential store must be located on a Domino server where ExConn is run.
You might also need to create a certificate store on the server running ExConn and/or update your certificate store with information necessary for establishing an TLS connection to Microsoft 365.
Finally, you must perform some one-time setup in Microsoft 365.
See the procedures in the section to guide you though these steps.