Customizing Notes® using plugin_customization.ini
You can use the plugin_customization.ini file to control aspects of HCL Notes® installation and usage.
The plugin_customization.ini file is supplied in the Notes® installation kit in the deploy directory using the following format:
HCL Domino® administrative policy settings override plugin_customization.ini settings. If the client application uses a managed settings file such a managed-setting.xml, it too overrides plugin_customization.ini file settings.
Variousplugin_customization.ini settings can be used to managed client application preferences. Sample settings include the following.
- Feature trust and timestamp settingsThese settings allow you to define default trust and timestamp responses for use during feature and plug-in install and update.
- Widgets and Live Text feature and catalog access
In a server-managed environment, access to Widgets and Live Text functionality and the widgets catalog is set using a Desktop Policy Settings document. Alternatively you can use equivalent settings in the plugin_customization.ini file to control user access to Widgets and Live Text functionality and to a central widgets catalog.