Registering non-Notes Internet users

Use the Domino® Administrator to create non-Notes, Internet-only users. Internet-only users do not have Notes® IDs or certified public keys. The procedure for creating a non-Notes, Internet-only user requires the use of the User Registration interface as well as many of the security features such as the Certificate Requests database and the Domino® server-based CA.

About this task

During this procedure, the user must open the Certificate Requests database to accept the certificate authority in their browser and request a client certificate. The user must be logged on to the workstation and browser that needs to establish the trust with the CA. After the request has been approved and processed, the user picks up the certificate, using the same browser on the same workstation used to make the request. The user then needs to export the certificate. The final step is importing the Internet certificate into the user's Person document.


  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the People & Groups tab.
  2. Select Domino Directories, and then click People.
  3. From the Tools pane, click People > Register.
  4. Complete the fields in the User Registration user interface, following the instructions in the topic Using Advanced Notes® user registration with the Domino® Administrator with these exceptions:
    • On the Basics tab, in the Mail System field, do not select Notes® as the mail system. Choose an Internet-based mail system instead.
    • On the Basics tab, do not select the check box Create a Notes ID for this person.
    • On the Address panel, for users with a mail system of "Other Internet" enter a forwarding address. The forwarding address is the Internet address to which this user would like their email forwarded in the event they leave the company.
    • On the ID Info panel, ensure that you do not select the check box Create a Notes ID for this person.
    • The Roaming panel does not apply to Web-only users because roaming users are required to have Notes® IDs. Internet-only users do not have Notes® IDs.

What to do next

When registration is complete, add an Internet Certificate to the user's Person document by completing the procedure to obtain an Internet certificate for an Internet client in the topicInternet certificates for TLS and S/MIME