Server document - Traveler tab
Complete the fields on the Traveler tab when you are configuring IBM® Traveler.
- Complete these fields in the Basics section:
Table 1. Basics Field
Maximum memory size
Specify the maximum amount of memory that will be allocated to the Traveler server task. The default is 512 MB.
IPC Socket Port
Specify the TCP port that is used for communications between the Traveler HTTP Servlet and the Traveler server task. This communication is only on the local machine, no external firewalls will see this traffic. The default is 50125.
- Complete these fields in the Log Settings section:
Table 2. Log Settings Field
Logging Level
Choose the logging level that defines the amount of detail Traveler should include in the log files. The possible values are listed in order from the least amount of logging to the most verbose. Choose one:
- Severe - Only the most severe messages are logged.
- Warning - Warnings and Severe messages are logged.
- Informational - Warnings, Severe and Informational messages are logged. This is the default.
- Fine - In addition to Severe, Warning and Informational messages, low-level tracing is logged.
- Finer - In addition to Severe, Warning and Informational messages, medium-level tracing is logged.
- Finest - In addition to Severe, Warning and Informational messages, high-level tracing is logged.
SyncML Logging
Enable SyncML Logging only if you need to troubleshoot a specific synchronization problem. The SyncML logging mechanism logs all traffic between the Traveler Client and Server, except for fields marked private (see the Fields Logged - Privacy field). By default, this setting is Off.
Package Log Filter
Do not modify this parameter unless instructed to do so by IBM® support for troubleshooting purposes. This field allows you to enable logging for certain Traveler components. By default, this field contains the asterisk (*) wildcard which enables logging for all Traveler components.
Maximum File Size
Specify the maximum size of a single Activity Log file. Use this parameter with Maximum Number of Activity Log Files to indicate the total disk space to use for logging. The default is 50 MB.
Maximum Number of Activity Log Files
Specify the maximum number of Activity log files to keep on disk. When this number is reached, each time a new log file is created the oldest log file is removed from the file system. The default is 10.
Fields Logged - Privacy
Specify the fields to be logged for troubleshooting purposes only. Possible values are:
- Other - Logs all other fields not specified in this list.
- Body - Logs the Body field of data being synchronized.
- Subject - Logs the Subject field of data being synchronized.
- Location - Logs the Location field of data being synchronized.
- Address - Logs the Address field of data being synchronized.
- Phone Number - Logs the Phone Number field of data being synchronized.
- Complete these fields in the Auto Sync Settings section:
Table 3. Auto Sync Settings Field
Monitor Polling Interval
Specify how frequently a user's mail database is checked for changes when it is actively being monitored for Auto Sync. This check is made between the Traveler server and the user's mail database. The server's polling interval in seconds. The default is 3 seconds.
Heartbeat Algorithm
Do not change this value. Algorithm to use when sending the connection keep alive message. Note that the keep alive message is only sent if there is no other Auto Sync activity. Indefinite Detection is currently the only supported option.
Heartbeat Initial Interval
Specify the initial interval to use for keep alive polling. This value should not be shorter than any network time out values nor should it be shorter than the Minimum Interval specified. The default is 30 seconds.
Heartbeat Algorithm Minimum Interval
Specify the minimum interval allowed to keep polling alive. The Heartbeat Algorithm will not be allowed to calculate a value smaller than this value. The default is 30 seconds.
Heartbeat Algorithm Maximum Interval
Specify the maximum interval allowed to keep polling alive. The Heartbeat Algorithm will not be allowed to calculate a value greater than this value. The default is 15 minutes.
Heartbeat Retry Interval
Specify the number of minutes to use the optimal keep alive interval before calculating a new optimal value. The default is 30 minutes.
Port for TCP Connections
Specify the TCP port used for Auto Sync communications between the Traveler Server and Client. This port must not be used by other applications on this server. If the Traveler server is behind a firewall this port must be open on the firewall or the Traveler client must use a VPN to tunnel through the external firewalls. The default is 8642.
Device Offline Timeout
Specify the maximum number of hours a user can be inactive before the user's mail database is no longer actively monitored. The user can still access the Traveler Server by activating the device or starting the Traveler Client. As soon as the device is detected by the server after this timeout, the server will resume active monitoring of the mail database. The default is 24 hours.
User Cleanup Timeout
Specify the maximum number of days that a user can be inactive before the user is purged from the Traveler database. The user can still connect by activating the Traveler client, but the client will be required to reregister with the Server and data will be synchronized as if this is a new user. The default is 30 days.
- Click Save and Close.