Configuring managed replicas
An administrator can use the Managed Replicas tab in the Desktop Settings document to set a policy that, for users affected by the policy, marks any existing local mail replica as a managed replica, and, if desired, creates a new managed replica if no local replica exists.
About this task
The managed replica extends the capabilities of a local mail replica and a local outgoing mailbox to those locations where the user remains connected to a IBM® Domino® server. In this configuration, (connected location with managed replica) when the user opens the mail file, the client will detect that a managed replica for the file exists, open that managed replica (locally), and present the user with the view of the mail from the local file. Updates, sending of mail, and receipt of new mail will happen in the same way as when the IBM® Notes® user uses a standard local replica with a local outgoing mailbox. Synchronization occurs normally, in the client Replicator between the server-based files (mailbox, mail file) and local mail. An administrator can configure the Notes® client to perform this synchronization in as timely a manner as possible.
The typical user of a managed replica is connected to a Domino® server for mail, but on a network or line that can have high latency issues. By moving all network I/O between local and server files to the background client replicator, the user's interface will never be blocked waiting for an I/O operation to complete. All the user's operations will occur on the local files.