- compare (I18n - JavaScript)
Compares two strings lexicographically, following the locale comparison rules.
- convertDateFromServerTimeZone (I18n - JavaScript)
Returns a new Date object that corresponds to the given date (in the XSP server time zone) but in the given user time zone. For example, if the given date is "1/1/03 1:00" in the XSP server time zone GMT -05:00, and if the given user time zone is GMT +01:00, the returned date will be: "1/1/03 7:00".
- convertDateTimeZone (I18n - JavaScript)
Returns a new Date object that corresponds to the given date in a source time zone to a target time zone. For example, if the given date is "1/1/03 7:00" in the source time zone GMT +01:00, and if the target time zone is GMT -05:00, the returned date will be: "1/1/03 1:00".
- convertDateToServerTimeZone (I18n - JavaScript)
Returns a new Date object that corresponds to the given date in the user time zone but in the XSP server time zone. For example, if the given date is "1/1/03 7:00" in the time zone GMT +01:00, and if the XSP server is in the time zone GMT -05:00, the returned date will be: "1/1/03 1:00".
- format (I18n - JavaScript)
Provides formatting of strings.
- getActualPattern (I18n - JavaScript)
If the given pattern is one of the 6 predefined patterns, this method returns the explicit string for this pattern, according to the XSP server locale. For example : M/d/yy for in a US locale If the given pattern is an explicit pattern (like HH:mm), the pattern is returned just as it is.
- getServerLocale (I18n - JavaScript)
Returns the default locale of XSP server.
- getServerTimeZone (I18n - JavaScript)
Returns the default time zone of XSP server.
- parseDate (I18n - JavaScript)
Analyzes the given string, by applying the given pattern in the given locale. If the string contains no time zone indication, it is considered that the given string has been input in the given time zone. For example, a user enters "01/01/2003 00:00" to mean 00:00 in his time zone. The returned date is in the XSP server time zone.
- parseDateXMI (I18n - JavaScript)
This method tries to analyze the given string, by applying the XMI date format. The XMI format is the following : yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, where T is the date and time separator, and where Z is the time zone indication.
- parseFloat (I18n - JavaScript)
Returns a float value dictated by interpretation of the string argument according to the given locale. For example, if the given locale is French, the string '10 000,3' will be interpreted as 10000.3, because the decimal separator in France is a comma and the thousand-separator is a white space. If the Locale parameter is missing or null, the string is interpreted according to the XSP server default locale.
- parseFloatWithDecimalSeparatorTolerance (I18n - JavaScript)
Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a number.
- parseInt (I18n - JavaScript)
Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a number, by using the XSP server locale conventions.
- toLowerCase (I18n - JavaScript)
Converts all of the characters in the given String to lower case using the rules of the document server locale.
- toString (I18n - JavaScript)
Produces a string value that represents the value of the number formatted according to the given pattern and according to the conventions of the given locale. If the pattern is missing or null, the number is formatted according to a default format (as in NumberFormat Java™ class). If the Locale parameter is missing or null, the number is formatted according to the XSP server default locale.
- toStringXMI (I18n - JavaScript)
Produces a string value that represents the given date formatted according to the standard XMI format.
- toUpperCase (I18n - JavaScript)
Converts all of the characters in the given String to upper case using the rules of the document server locale.
- DATE_FORMAT (I18n - JavaScript)
A constant used to represent a predefined format.
- DATETIME_FORMAT (I18n - JavaScript)
- LONG_DATE_FORMAT (I18n - JavaScript)
A constant used to represent a predefined format.
- LONG_DATETIME_FORMAT (I18n - JavaScript)
A constant used to represent a predefined format.
- LONG_TIME_FORMAT (I18n - JavaScript)
A constant used to represent a predefined format.
- TIME_FORMAT (I18n - JavaScript)
A constant used to represent a predefined format.