getAttachment (NotesDocument - JavaScript)

Returns a representation of a file attachment.

Defined in



getAttachment(filename:string) : NotesEmbeddedObject
Parameter Description
filename The file name of the file attachment.
Return value Description
NotesEmbeddedObject A representation of the file attachment. Returns null if an attachment by the specified name is not found.


You can use this method to find file attachments that are not contained in a rich text item (such as an attachment in a Release 2 database) as well as file attachments that are contained in a rich text item.

The Parent property for the returned NotesEmbeddedObject returns null, since it was not accessed through a NotesRichTextItem.


This button searches the documents in the current database for a specified attachment.
try {

var dc:NotesDocumentCollection = database.getAllDocuments();
var doc:NotesDocument = NotesDocument = dc.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null) {
	var obj:NotesEmbeddedObject = doc.getAttachment(requestScope.query);
	if (obj != null) {
		requestScope.status = "Found " + obj.getName() + " in \"" + 
			doc.getItemValueString("Subject") + "\"";
	var tmpdoc = dc.getNextDocument();
	doc.recycle(); // recycle to avoid memory problems
	doc = tmpdoc;
if (!requestScope.status.startsWith("Found")) {
	requestScope.status += "\nDid not find attachment"

} catch(e) {
	requestScope.status = e.toString();