merge (NotesDocumentCollection - JavaScript)

Adds to a document collection specified documents not already in the collection.

Defined in



merge(noteid:string) : void

merge(noteid:int) : void

merge(documents:NotesBase) : void

Parameter Description
noteid Note ID of a document.
documents An object of type NotesDocument, NotesDocumentCollection, NotesViewEntry, or NotesViewEntryCollection. View entries must point to documents.


The document or documents being operated on by this method must be in the same database as the original collection. Otherwise, this method returns the error the specified note or notes do not exist in the database or, if a note ID was passed to the method that matches a note ID in the original collection's database, the method uses the unintended document.

On successful completion of this method, the original document collection contains a union of its documents and those specified by the parameter.