@AbstractSimple (Formula Language)
Creates a short abstract of a text or rich text field. Simpler and more efficient than using @Abstract.
@AbstractSimple( bodyFields )
Text or text list. Any number of fields containing the text to abstract. May be text or rich text fields. If Notes/Domino cannot locate a field by name, it uses the string literal instead. Enclose each field name in quotes and separate multiple names with colons: "Sales":"Figures".
Return value
Text or Text List. Returns the first 100 characters or first 2 paragraphs of text, whichever is smaller. All newline and tab characters are converted into spaces, and all empty paragraphs (containing only a newline character) are ignored. If the parameter is a single field, a text value is returned. If the parameter is a list of field names, then a text list is returned with each list element containing the abstracted text of the corresponding field in the parameter list.
If a field parameter is of an invalid type, or can't be found, the text returned is the string of the field parameter.
- If the field "Verse" contains the rich text:
One bright day in the middle of the night
@AbstractSimple("Verse") returns:
One bright day in the middle of
- If the field "Verse" contains the rich text:
One bright day in the middle of
@AbstractSimple("Verse") returns:
One bright day in the middle of
- If the following fields are on a document:
Field Name
Sam Smith
123 Shady Lane
Anytown, USA
@AbstractSimple("PersonName" : "Address" : "CityState" : "ZIP") returns:
Sam Smith : 123 Shady Lane : Anytown, USA : ZIP
Note: The last element is "ZIP" because the field is numeric which is invalid for @AbstractSimple - If the field "Critics" contains the text:
When asked to comment on the movie, the reviewer stated that it was one of the year's best, and certainly would find a place on many award lists.
@AbstractSimple("Critics") returns:
When asked to comment on the movie, the reviewer stated that it was one of the year's best, and cert