Testing LEI Connections with CONTEST
CONTEST attempts to connect using IBM® Lotus Enterprise Integrator® (LEI) connections defined in the LEI Administrator. It tests the ability to make a connection using the information found in the LEI Connection document. CONTEST must be run with an active LEI server.
The syntax for using CONTEST is as follows:
[n]contest [Options] <connection1> <connection2>...<connectionn>
n denotes the optional parameter: -p. This parameter displays the connector properties.
... denotes actual connection names (use quotation marks if spaces exist in the connection names).
Typing [n]contest with no input parameters results in Help information being displayed.
Follow the steps as follows to run CONTEST.
- Open a Command Prompt/DOS window or a UNIX™ shell.
- Locate the CONTEST program specific to your operating system in
the Domino® program directory.
The CONTEST program has the following names for each of the associated
operating system platforms:
- Microsoft™ Windows™ platforms -- ncontest.exe
- UNIX™ platforms -- contest
- IBM® i platform -- RUNDOMCMD
SERVER(domServer) CMD(CALL PGM(CONTEST)) BATCH(*NO) where domServer is
the name of a Domino® server
where LEI is installed.Note: When working with a case-sensitive operating system such as UNIX™, enter the DCTEST program name using lowercase characters.
- At the command line, type the command appropriate to your platform
and press Enter.Note: CONTEST runs in a command window.
Note: Information about the connection displays
when you use the optional parameter -p. When you enter [n]contest
without the parameter, only information about the successfulness of
making the connection displays.
Example 1 (Windows™ platform):
C:\Lotus\Domino>ncontest "NotesDb on MyOracle"
Sample Output:
Testing NotesDb on MyOracle
NotesDb on MyOracle Connect Successful
Example 2 (UNIX™ platform):
C:lotus/domino>contest "Oracle on MyOracle" "Sybase 11 on MySQLServer"
Sample Output:
Testing Oracle on MyOracle
Oracle on MyOracle Connect Successful
Testing Sybase 11 on MySQLServer
Sybase 11 on MySQLServer Connect Successful