domquery utility

The domquery command line utility is shipped with the Domino® server and is used to compose and tune queries. Running it with the explain(-e) flag is instrumental in understanding and optimizing DQL syntax and how queries are processed.

domquery neither fetches from nor makes updates to data in NSF files. It is solely useful to author and optimize queries.

To use domquery, use the load domquery command at the server console with the following flags.
  • -f [DBName] data directory relative path, REQUIRED
  • -q [double quoted string query] query string - either this or -z file REQUIRED
  • -z [QueryFile path] full path to a file containing query syntax queries delimited by #* at preceding line begin
  • -e Explain the nodes (query tree mode only)
  • -p Parse only (for testing)
  • -g Provide and output overall timing
  • -v [MaxEntries] Maximum view entries to be scanned
  • -c [MaxDocsScanned] Maximum number of documents to be scanned
  • -l (L) Refresh views
  • -m [Msecs] Maximum milliseconds to execute
  • -mt [integer] Maximum time for query results processing
  • -mc [integer] Maximum count for query results processing
  • -mi [integer] Interval between time checks (in 1/100s of a second)
  • -x Exit on error (-z file case)
  • -j No view processing performed (only NSF document scan and FT)
  • -b Destroy and rebuild the design catalog before running the query
  • -r Refresh (or 1st time build) the design catalog before running the query
  • -w FT refresh, once per query
  • -a [ViewName] use query to populate view ViewName
  • -@q Query design documents only
  • -? or -h Print this option list
Note: domquery using DBCS characters in a query may be dysfunctional due to DOS prompt or UNIX shell character set support in the Domino server OS. It is recommended that the -z (file with queries in it) be used for DBCS queries.