Nomad platform differences in LotusScript®

These platform differences apply to HCL Nomad for web browsers.

Language construct differences


Usage in HCL Nomad


Not supported. Generates the error "Operation not supported on this platform."


If a drive letter is contained in the argument, generates the error "Device unavailable."


Not supported. Generates the error "Operation not supported on this platform."

Date, Date$

Can fetch current date. Setting the date generates the error "Illegal function call."


Generates the error "Error in Loading DLL."


Does not return the following attributes: ATTR_HIDDEN, ATTR_ARCHIVE, ATTR_VOLUME, ATTR_SYSTEM.


Not supported. Generates the error "Operation not supported on this platform."


Not supported. Because CreateObject is not supported, unable to get Wscript.Shell object.


Ignores the attributes ATTR_HIDDEN, ATTR_ARCHIVE, and ATTR_VOLUME.


Not supported. Generates the error "Unable to open file."

Time, Time$

Can fetch current time. Setting the time generates the error "Illegal function call."

File system differences

Nomad for web browsers does not access the file system of the host operating system. It accesses only a virtual file system within the browser. This characteristic affects all functions related to the file system.

The virtual file system is UNIX based, and therefore does not use drive letters. If you use a path containing a drive letter, it will be included as part of the file name.

LotusScript® excludes "/" and "\" from the end of file paths, so if a file path ends with one of those characters, the file is created in the current folder instead. If the file path starts with "/" or "\" and doesn't end with "." or a file name extension, LotusScript® generates an error.

LotusScript® accepts file paths starting or ending with one or multiple "."

Other differences

OLE is not supported on LotusScript® Release 3.0 for Nomad platforms. This difference affects CreateObject, GetObject, IsObject, and IsUnknown. The CreateObject and GetObject functions generate run-time errors when executed on UNIX™ platforms. The IsObject function tells if a variable refers to a native or product object, but not an OLE object, since OLE objects don't exist on the UNIX™ platform. The IsUnknown function always returns FALSE on UNIX™, since there is no way for a Variant expression to receive the V_UNKNOWN value.