executeToView (QueryResultsProcessor - Java)

Saves QueryResultsProcesser results to a "results view" in a database. Processes the input collections in the manner specified by the Sort Columns, overriding field values with formulas specified via addFormula calls. Creates a results view in a host database and returns View object.

Defined in

Note: executeToView is new in V12.0.1


public View executeToView(String name)
     throws NotesException;
public View executeToView(String name, int expirehours)
     throws NotesException;
public View executeToView(String name, int expirehours, String reader)
     throws NotesException;
public View executeToView(String name, int expirehours, java.util.Vector readerlist)
     throws NotesException;


String name

The name of the results view to create and populate.

int expirehours

The time, in hours, for the view to be left in the host database. If not specified, the view expires in 24 hours. You can extend the expiration time using the updall or dbmt tasks.

String reader

The name of one additional user or group to be granted read access to the results view. The value must be in canonical format.

java.util.Vector readerlist

A string vector of names to be granted read access to the results view. The values must be in canonical format.


Results views created using the executeToView method have the following distinctive characteristics. To open and manipulate results views using the HCL Notes® client or to write application code that utilizes it, it's important to understand these characteristics.

Results views are created and persist in a database that you choose. Using a separate, non-production database is recommended. Doing so avoids unnecessary, routine database processing and also avoids user confusion over the views, which are not standard views.

Results views are generated programmatically, so they are designed to be discarded after use. Therefore:
  • They do not refresh automatically. If you want more recent data, you need to delete the old view using a method to remove in the View class or by running updall with the -Tx option, and then recreate and repopulate the view.
  • They are automatically deleted during updall and dbmt task maintenance after their expiration time elapses.
Results views contain unique NoteIDs that cannot be referenced. Therefore:
  • They do not generate document properties data in the Notes client.
  • You can't open them using normal mouse gestures in the Notes client.
  • You can't use full text indexing to search them; they are the results of such searches.
  • You can use API calls that use those NoteIDs only within the context of the results views.
  • They include hidden columns that contain the database path and the true NoteID for each originating document. You can access this information using view column processing.
Security for results views is implemented at the view level:
  • By default, only the person or server creating the view can read the view data.
  • You can use the String reader or java.util.Vector readerlist parameter to define a reader list.
  • A person or server with access to the view gets access to all document details and aggregate values; there is no mechanism to restrict this access.

Domino processing of results views is otherwise typical.

You can use Domino Designer to edit results views, with the exception of selection criteria and view formulas, which are specified when the views are created.

Note: Use the Domino Show database command with the -e option to list the size and expiration time of each results view in a database.

Example 1: Using executeToView

Vector <String> readersvec = new Vector <String>();
readersvec.add(“CN=User1 UserLN1/O=MYORG”);
readersvec.add(“CN=User2 UserLN2/O=MYORG”);
readersvec.add(“CN=User3 UserLN3/O=MYORG”);


/* catch any NotesException below */
try {
     Database mydb = session.getDatabase(“mydb.nsf”);
     QueryResultsProcessor qrp = mydb. createQueryResultsProcessor();

// .. addColumn, addDominoQuery, addFormula, etc.

View myview = qrp.executeToView(theQRP.QPRName, 2, readersvec);

// .. view processing
catch (NotesException ne)
     System.out.println("Bad Return " + ne.getMessage());


Example 2: Using the invisible view columns $DBPath and $NoteID

/* catch any NotesException below */
try {
     Vector vcn = myview.getColumnNames(), v = null;
     ViewEntryCollection vec = m_view1.getAllEntries();
     ViewEntry ve = vec.getFirstEntry();
     int colct = myview.getColumnCount();
     int pathelem = -1, nidelem = -1;
     String noteID = null;           

/* If unknown find the Vector elements for the database path and noteid */
for (int j = 0; j < vcn.size(); j++)
     String nm = vcn.elementAt(j).toString();
     if (nm.compareToIgnoreCase("$DBPath") == 0)
          pathelem = j;
     else if (nm.compareToIgnoreCase("$NoteID") == 0)
          nidelem = j;

// Walk through the view entries      
while (ve != null)
     ve2 = ve;
     // Get current view entry values
     v = ve.getColumnValues();
     dbpath = v.elementAt(pathelem).toString();
     noteID = v.elementAt(nidelem).toString();

… // open the database, open the document and process as desired
     v = null;
     ve = vec.getNextEntry();
     ve2 = null;

catch (NotesException ne)
     System.out.println("Bad Return " + ne.getMessage());