Adding Java archives to the Domino® classpath

You can extend the Domino® classpath, for example, to add third-party JAR files.

About this task

Do the following:


  1. Open notes.ini in a text editor.
  2. Add or modify one or both of the following Notes® variables: JavaUserClasses or JavaUserClassesExt.
  3. After saving the file, restart Domino®.


The format for JavaUserClasses is "JavaUserClasses=" followed by a semicolon-separated list of file specifications. The file specifications can reference JAR files, ZIP files, or directories of CLASS files. The value of the variable is limited to 255 characters. File specifications that exceed the limit are lost. Use JavaUserClassesExt if you think you will exceed the limit. Here is an example:
The format for JavaUserClassesExt is "JavaUserClassesExt=" followed a comma-separated list of tags. The notes.ini file must contain additional entries in the format "tag=" followed by a file specification. Here is an example: